
Here are publications for each of seven basic thrusts of my research: political economy, disability, health, natural disaster, tropical forest, spatial analysis, and theory.   

Political Economy

Institutions and political economy of development in Cambodia

Kinship in rural Fiji

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Ethnicity, disability, and vocational training in Rwanda

Poverty, disability, and vocational training in Cambodia

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Psychic costs of maternal health care in rural Nigeria

Antenatal care in rural Nigeria

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Natural Disaster

World Development Special Issue: Natural Disaster, Poverty, and Development (Guest Editors: Yasuyuki Sawada and Yoshito Takasaki)

Natural disaster and community in rural Fiji

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Tropical Forest

Peruvian Amazon Rural Livelihood and Poverty (PARLAP

Dynamic and spatial analyses of shifting cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon

Social network in shifting cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon

Resource extraction among shifting cultivators in the Peruvian Amazon

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Spatial Analysis

Spatial data and program evaluation

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Theory of shifting cultivation

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