

[21] The Effects of In utero/Infancy Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke on Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills of Children (with Jinho Kim), forthcoming, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics.

[20] Adolescent Network Positions and Memory Performance in Adulthood: Evidence from Sibling Fixed Effects Models with Sociometric Network Data (with Jinho Kim), 2024, Social Networks

[19] The Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 on Adolescent Body Mass Index in South Korea: Evidence and Mechanisms (with Jinho Kim and Gum-Ryung Park), 2023, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health

[18] 취학나이가 학업성취도에 미치는 영향, 2023, 경제분석

[17] Longitudinal Pathways From Adolescent Depressive Symptoms to Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Adulthood (with H. Park and J. Kim), 2023, Social Science & Medicine

[16] The Psychological Costs of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Heterogeneous Effects in South Korea: Evidence from a Difference-in-Differences Analysis (with J. Kim, S. Park, and S. V. Subramanian), 2023, Journal of Happiness Studies

[15] The labor market impacts of graduating from university during a recession: evidence and mechanisms (with Yeonho Bae), Empirical Economics, 2023

[14] The Effects of School Start Time on Sleep Time and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the 9 O'Clock Attendance Policy in South Korea, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2022.

[13] Do Peers Affect Private Tutoring Engagement in Korea? Evidence from A Quasi-Experimental Approach (with Jinho Kim and Hayun Jang), Asia Pacific Education Review, 2022

[12] Peers’ Private Tutoring and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Secondary Schools in South Korea

(with Jinho Kim and Hayun Jang), Journal of Adolescent Health, 2022

[11] Geographic spread of COVID-19 and local economies: Heterogeneous effects by establishment size and industry (with Jun Sung Kim), Journal of Regional Science, 2022

[10] Estimating Pecuniary and Nonpecuniary Returns to College Education for Academically Marginal Students: Evidence from the College Enrollment Quota Policy in South Korea, Economics of Education Review, 2021

[9] Family Formation and Dissolution During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from South Korea (with Jinho Kim), Global Economic Review, 2021. 

[8] Age Culture, School-Entry Cutoff and the Choices of Birth Month and School-Entry Timing in South Korea, Journal of Demographic Economics, 2021.

[7] Linking Adolescent Future Expectations to Health in Adulthood: Evidence and Mechanisms (with Jinho Kim), Social Science & Medicine, 2020.

[6] Signaling Effects of Layoffs in South Korea, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2019.

[5] The Effects of the Minimum Wage on Employment and Wages, Quarterly Journal of Labor Policy, 2019 (in Korean). 

[4] The Effects of Changes in Kindergarten Entry Age Policies on Educational Achievement (with Jason Fletcher), Economics of Education Review, 2016.

[3] Are Recessions Good for Your Health? Unemployment and Mortality Rates in South Korea, 1991-2009 (with Chulhee Lee) Journal of Korean Economic Analysis, 2011 (in Korean).

[2] The Effect of Age at School Entry on Long-term Educational Attainment in Korea, The Korean Journal of Labor Economics, 2011 (in Korean).

[1] The Effect of Displacement on Job Paths of Older Workers (with Yonghyun Park), The Korean Vocational Education and Training, 2010 (in Korean).

Working Papers/Selected Work in Progress

The Impact of Shadow Education Expenditures on Fertility Rates in South Korea 

University closures and local labor markets during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of South Korea

Child Benefits and Fertility (with Chulhee Lee and Seojeong Lee)

The Effects of Education on Health and Health Behaviors: Evidence from Monozygotic Twins Data (with Jinho Kim and Jason Fletcher), R&R, Journal of Population Economics

Saving Lives Through Rest: Analyzing the Impact of Bus Driver Rest Regulations on Traffic Fatalities in South Korea (with Hoyong Jung)

What Happens to the Wage Structure When Nearly Everyone Has a College Degree? The Case of South Korea

The Effects of Kindergarten-Entry Age, Age-at-Evaluation, and Schooling on Educational Achievement

Cohort Size and Earnings in South Korea.

The Effects of School-Entry Age on Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills (with Jinho Kim)

Maternal Labor Supply and Cognitive Skill Development of Children.

The Effect of Ability Mixing on Educational Achievement: Evidence from the Equalization Policy in Korea

The Effects of Birth Weight on Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills of Children 

The Effect of Class Size on Educational Achievement in South Korea.

Cohort Size and Employment.

Class Size and Non-cognitive Skills

Education and Economic Growth: A Quasi-experimental Analysis

Health Consequences of High School Equalization Policy (with Dohyung Kim)


학력 프리미엄, 해남출판사, 2023.

Book Chapters/Policy Report

「인구변화가 노동시장·교육·의료에 미치는 영향: 전망과 대응방안」 (이철희, 권정현과 공저, 저출산고령사회위원회), 2019.

「학령인구 감소와 초⋅중등 교원수급정책」, 『인구구조 변화에 대응한 구조개혁 방안』 (이태석 편), 제3장, 연구보고서 2020-08, 한국개발연구원, 2020. 

2021년 장래인구추계를 반영한 인구변화의 노동 ․ 교육 ․ 의료부문 파급효과 전망」(이철희, 권정현과 공저, 저출산고령사회위원회), 2023.