SW, Yun
Master's thesis : Physiological role of cAMP on synaptic transmission of rat hippocampal neuron.
Doctoral thesis : Characteristics of synaptic plasticity in entorhinal cortex of the rat
JW, Jang
Master's thesis : Effects of haloperidol and clozapine on single unit activities in the prefrontal cortex of anesthtized rats
MJ, Kim
Master's thesis : Long-term potentiation in sensory cortical projections to the prefrontal cortex.
Master's thesis : Cholinergic modulation of synaptic plasticity in entorhinal cortex of the rat.
Master's thesis : Effect on amphetamine and antipsychotic drugs on activities of prefrontal cortical neurons in behaving rats.
Master's thesis : Neuronal activity in the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus during spatial working memory in rats.
Master's thesis : Dependence of hippocampal place cell activity on task rules.
Research thesis : Synaptic plasticity from deep to superficial entorhinal cortex of rat.
Research thesis : Synaptic plasticity
Master's thesis : Changes in receptive fields of rat prefrontal cortical neurons during learing.
Master's thesis : Alteration of functional connectivity among hippocampal neurons by induction of long-term potentiation.
Master's thesis : Physiological investiation of interactions between superficial and deep layers of entorhinal cortex.
Doctoral thesis : Neural ensemble activity in the rat ventral striatum during spatial discrimination task.
Doctoral thesis : Neural dynamics and characteristics of working memory in rat prefrontal cortex
Doctoral thesis : Contribution of non-spatial factors in rat's hippocampal place cells.
Doctoral thesis : Studies on neurogenesis : effects of LTP and LTD in the rat dentate gyrus.
WC, Lim
Research thesis : Network modeling of dopamine neurons
HS, Kim
Doctoral thesis : Neural Signals Related to Value-based Decision making in Rodent Striatum
JH, Sul
Doctoral thesis : Interactions Between Medial Prefrontal Cortex, orbitofrontal Cortex and Motor Cortex in Value-based Decision Making.
HJ, Lee
Doctoral thesis : Role of hippocampus in Value-based Decision Making.
KW, Kim
Masters thesis: Fictive decision making in rats.
JE, Kim
Doctoral thesis: Role of prefrontal corex in Interval Timing.
SH, Jo
Doctoral thesis: Role of insular cortex in risk processing.
JH, Lee
Doctoral thesis: Role of thalamus and hippocampus in Interval Timing.
SC, Yadav
Masters thesis: Role of CA3 in episodic-like memory.
Dohoung Kim
Doctoral thesis: Distinct Roles of Parvalbumin- and Somatostatin-Expressing Interneurons in Working Memory.
Eunsil Her
Doctoral thesis: Neuronal activity in dorsomedial and dorsolateral striatum under the requirement for temporal credit assignment.
Sung-Hyun Lee
Doctoral Thesis: Neural Signals Related to Outcome Evaluation Are Stronger in CA1 than CA3.
Shin-Ae Kwak
Doctoral Thesis: Role of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in decision making.
Jun-Yeop Lee
Doctoral Thesis: Modulation of CA3 place cells by mossy fiber input from dentate gyrus.
Dong-Hyun Lim
Masters Thesis: Neuronal activity in prefrontal cortex and striatum under the requirement for temporal credit assignment.
Jung-Hwan Shin
Doctoral Thesis: Distinct roles of D1 and D2 striatal dopamine neurons in Decision making.
Jong-Chan Park
Doctoral Thesis: Temporal information processing in prefrontal cortex.
Yeong-Seok Jeong
Doctoral Thesis: Elucidating the value processing mechanism in hippocampus.
Baburam Bhattarai
Doctoral Thesis: Distinct effects of reward and navigation history on hippocampal forward and reverse replays.
Yun-Sil Jang
Doctoral Thesis: Representation of action value in the brain.
Jisoo Kang
Masters Thesis: The effect of voluntary choice on hippocampal theta sequence.
Huijeong Jeong
Doctoral Thesis: Microcircuits in prefrontal cortex.
Soyoun Ahn
Doctoral Thesis: Neural mechnism of social decision making
Miru Yun
Doctoral Thesis: Hippocampal processes underlying episodic memory.
Jung Won Bae
Doctoral Thesis: Prefrontal cortical neural processes supporting working memory.
Young Ju Yoon
Doctoral Thesis: The functional significance of prefrontal cortex cell types in flexible behavioral control.
Eun Ju Shin
Doctoral Thesis: Neural mechanism of decision making.