November 9 - Marriot Courtyard Hotel

November 9-10, 2011

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA


Nov 9th - Marriot Courtyard Hotel – Charles River Ballroom

777 Memorial Drive

Cambridge, MA 02139

I. Health

II. Deportation

III. Community Advocacy

8:30 am Registration / Breakfast / Networking

9:30 am Opening Address:

· André Bradford, His Excellency the Regional Secretary of the Presidency of the Government of the Azores – PORTUGAL

10:00 am Key note speaker:

· Craig Mello, Recipient of The Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2006 – USA

“Human Rights and Quality of Life, one Scientists Perspective”

10:30 am BREAK

10:45 am PaneL I: Health

Moderator: Paulo Pinto, MPA – MAPS Executive Director – USA


Gilberta Rocha, Ph. D. – Professor at University of Azores – PORTUGAL

Desigualdades de Género – a violência conjugal nos Açores”

Fernanda Da Silva – Community worker/Coordinator for the AIDS Committee of Toronto Lesley (ACT) – CANADA

“HIV/AIDS Health Barriers of the Portuguese-speaking communities in Toronto, Canada”

Cidalia Pereira (Community Worker) & Marilia Santos (Counselor) Abrigo Centre – Toronto, CANADA

“The Aging Portuguese Community in Toronto – decreasing isolation

Ana Nava, Ph. D. – Psychoterapist at the Cambridge Health Alliance, MA USA

“I am not crazy” – Portuguese-speaking immigrants changing views

on Mental Health Services

Branca Telles Ribeiro, Ph.D. – Associate Professor in the Intercultural Relations Program at Lesley University & Solange de Azambuja Lira, Ph.D. – Professor of Education at Lesley University – USA

“An analysis of Communicative Styles of Brazilian Healthcare Providers in US Healthcare Settings”

12:30 pm LUNCH

1:30 pm PaneL II: Deportation – PART I: Perspectives from US

Moderator: Maria da Graça Borges Castanho, Ph.D., Regional Director for the Communities, Government of the Azores – PORTUGAL


Leila Rosa, MA – Doctoral Candidate Universiy of South Florida – USA

“The Impact of geography in deportation: The Deportation of Cape Verdeans”

Daniel Kanstroom, J.D.; LL.M. - Professor of Law and Director, International Human Rights Program – Boston College Law School, Newton USA

“Deportation, Human Rights, and the Unplanned Diaspora”

Helena Marques – Executive Director- Immigrants Assistant Center, New Bedford USA

“Impact of Deportation on US Children and Families”

Painel II: Deportation-PartII: Perspectives from Portugal and Cape Verde

Suzete de Frias, ARRISCA, Azores – PORTUGAL

Spining along the victim/offender cycle”

Paulo Fontes – Associação NOVO DIA, Azores – PORTUGAL

Sem-Abrigo: condições intersubjectivas de reconhecimento

Dario Muhamudo – International Organization for Migration, Praia, CAPE VERDE

“Utilizando a Abordagem baseada nos Direitos Humanos para o Reforço das Capacidades das Autoridades Cabo Verdianas no Domínio da Gestão das Migrações e Fortalecimento de Laços com a Diáspora”

Joao Paulo Rodrigues, Researcher at Robert Schuman Institute, Azores – PORTUGAL

“O Barco e o Sonho – Deportação – Da teoria à prática”

3:45 pm BREAK

4:00 pm PaneL III: Community Advocacy

Moderator: Fátima Dias, University of Azores – PORTUGAL


Dawna M. Thomas, Ph.D. – Associate Professor in the Africana Studies and Chair of Women’s Gender Studies Department at Simmons College, Boston USA

Gunga Tavares, Journalist and Cultural Attaché, Consulate General of Cape Verde, Boston – USA

“Breaking the Silence on Abuse in the Cape Verdean Family”

Helena Chaves Costa, Presidente da APAV-Açores – PORTUGAL

“O Apoio à vítima de crime: perspectiva do trabalho da APAV na defesa dos Direitos Humanos”

Rosa Farizo, Senior paralegal – South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc. USA

“Senior Law Projects of SCCLS”

Joaquina Pires, Missão Santa Cruz, Montreal – CANADA

“A Situação dos idosos de origem Portuguesa na região Montreal: uma causa esquecida?”

Maria Pereira - Catholic Social Services & Teresa Larson- Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. USA

“Sustainability of programs that address the quality of life of Portuguese Elders:

a challenge for the future”

Felicidade Rodrigues – Working Women Community Centre, Toronto, Canada

“Direitos Humanos no contexto da Mulher e o Trabalho no Canadá”

5:30 pm Lançamento dos livros:


Mário Mesquita


SÓCIO-CRIMINAL, de Gilberta Rocha