CV as .pdf file.
2015-present Research Associate, Iast.
2012-present Research Fellow, Inrae and Toulouse School of Economics.
2009-2010 Visiting Scholar, Cowles Foundation for the Research in Economics, Department of Economics, Yale University.
2007-2011 Research Fellow, Umr Métafort, Cemagref (French Institute for the study of agroenvironmental policies).
2008 PhD in Economics, University of Auvergne (Cerdi), Clermont-Ferrand, France. Awarded with distinction.
Dissertation title: Evaluating the Impact of Public Policies: A General Framework and Applications to Agricultural and Forest Policies.
Defense jury: Catherine Araujo-Bonjean (director),
Jean-Pierre Florens (referee),
Thierry Kamionka (referee),
Jean-Louis Arcand,
Vianney Dequiedt,
Dominique Vollet.
2002 M.S. in Development Economics, University of Auvergne (Cerdi). Awarded with honor.
2001 M.S. in Resource Management, Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (Engref) (French “grande école” for resource management, regional development and agricultural policy), Paris, France. Awarded with honor.
2000 M.S. in Agronomy, AgroParisTech (French "grande école" of Agronomy), Paris, France.