Hi everyone, welcome to my webpage!
I am Research Fellow at Inrae and the Toulouse School of Economics, and member of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Toulouse. My main areas of research are the evaluation of agro-environmental policies and the improvement of observational methods of causal inference. If you want to know more about me and my research, please check here, or take a look at my profile on Google Scholar, on RePEc or on ResearchGate. You can also follow me on Twitter (@SylvainCF) or read my blog (An Economist's Journey).
I am the coordinator of an ANR-funded research project called PENSEE (Payments for ENvironmental Services: an Evidence-based Evaluation) involving researchers at both TSE, Inrae and SupAgro Montpellier.
I also am the founder of SKAI, the Social Science Knowledge Accumulation Inititiave, and the co-founder of SKAIpedia, both aiming at enabling the accumulation of knowledge free of publication bias in the social sciences.
Email: sylvain.chabe-ferret[at]tse-fr.eu
Phone: +33(0)5 61 12 88 28
Toulouse School of Economics
Office 324
1, Esplanade de l'Université
31080 Toulouse Cedex 06