My research in neuroethics is empirically-informed, and centers on the ethical analysis of current research in neurology and neuroscience. is a philosopher, neuroethicist, and bioethicist. The primary focus of my research is on the ethical implications of developments in neuroscience, particularly those related to acute and chronic brain injuries. I'm especially interested in the ethical, epistemic, and metaphysical uncertainties that attend new discoveries about disorders of consciousness. I also work in animal ethics, particularly animal research ethics in neuroscience, and animal ethics at the intersection of law and political philosophy. I'm co-editing Neuroethics and Nonhuman Animals (forthcoming, Springer), and co-edited (with Karen Rommelfanger) The Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics (2012, Routledge). I'm co-author of Chimpanzee Rights: The Philosophers’ Brief (2018, Routledge). I'm a member of the Neuroethics Working Group of the National Institutes of Health BRAIN Initiative.