
Bioethicist, Neuroethicist, Philosopher

Associate Professor

Center for Bioethics & Humanities

SUNY Upstate Medical University

"Thus the unfacts, did we possess them, are too imprecisely few to warrant our certitude..."

I'm a neuroethicist/bioethicist/philosopher at Upstate Medical University, where I teach bioethics. I'm a member of the Neuroethics Working Group of the NIH BRAIN Initiative, Associate Editor for Neuroethics, and the co-founder of the American Society for Bioethics + Humanities Animal Bioethics Affinity Group.

My rearch focuses on ethical issues related to brain injuries, including sport-related neurotrauma, brain death, and disorders of consciousness. I'm currently working on the ethical, epistemic, and metaphysical uncertainties that arise in relation to recent neuroscientific discoveries about disorders of consciousness. Lately I've been thinking a lot about facts, unfacts, certainty, and uncertainty in medical ethics. I also work on ethical issues in sports and sports medicine, and animal ethics.

My interest in all things with brains includes every kind of critter, zombies, and robots.

© L. Syd M Johnson