Slideshow evening of 2 different ascents of The Old Man of Hoy!

Post date: Jan 28, 2013 9:19:06 PM

A Slide show of two different ascents of the Old Man of Hoy, Scotland.

Thursday 7th February 2013 - 8pm in The Steam Railway Pub

by Tim Perkin and Colin Beechey

Colin climbed the Old Man in 1990 with 67 year Old Major Mike Banks, ex Royal Marine Commando, who became the oldest person to climb the Old Man. The trip was paid for by Saga, the old fogies’ holiday company, and featured in their own magazine and several Newspapers. Mike is a well-known climber, former leader of the Royal Marines Cliff Assault wing with numerous first ascents to his name including Rakoposhi (7788 m.) in the Himalayas.

Tim's much more recent ascent was in 2012 and his talk will be an interesting comparison with the 1990 ascent, especially regarding gear, techniques and how the climb is now regarded nearly 50 years after it was first climbed.