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A bivvy sunset just below Stob Choire Claurigh, the easternmost Munro on the Grey Corries.

Tuesday 19th November, all day at the Rockstars Wall.

The venerable club member, Mike Porter along with a considerably more youthful Pudsey Bear, will be raising money for Children in Need, in addition to celebrating the aforementioned's upcoming 70th birthday. His target is 70 climbs, and still be able to stagger to the pub for a celebratory drink.

2020 Scottish Winter Club Meet

The accommodation (a 10 bed house) for the 2020 Scottish Winter Club meet has now been booked for 29th February to 8th March near Fort William. For enquiries and details contact Clive.

October 27th - 31st. Summer's last rays.

Colin Mike and Sid snatched two of the last sun drenched days of 2019 in Langdale, climbing on Pavey Ark, Tarn Crag and Middlefell Buttress.

Trip report to come.