Almost another Tough Mudder!

Post date: Feb 25, 2014 10:24:59 AM

Bernard & Steve ran the newly-revived 'Cholsey Chase' on Sun 23 Feb. An unusual distance: 9 miles (about 14 km).

The weather could have been better (the odd rain shower and a stiff southerly) and the going underfoot was most definitely what the horse racing world would have called soft (in fact 'quagmire' was a good description of the first couple of miles!), but it was pretty mild for the time of year. There would have been some great views from the Ridgeway if the vis had been better!

Bernard finished 28th in 1:11:26 (16th in class), and Steve 91st in 1:23:34 (22nd in class) out of 198. The field was full of club runners eager to test themselves ahead of the Reading Half Marathon, but we left a good many in our wake!
