
2023-2024: (Cours à option 3 ECTS fall-spring) Qualité de vie: théories, outils et applications mobiles de santé together with Pr G. Brûlé

2022-now: (1 ECT) Digital technologies for addressing global challenges in mental health, Spring school of global health, Institute of global health, Geneva

2021-now: (1 ECT HEDS spring) Methods and tools for the evaluation of mobile health applications

2012-Now: Lecturer (3h/year), Non-invasive exploration & stimulation of the human brain, MSc Biomedical engineering in neuroscience, ESPCI, ParisTech

2017-2020: Lecturer (3 ECTS spring), Peripheral physiologic measures and application to biofeedback, BSc Psychology, U. Geneva

2012-2020: Lecturer (2h/year), Functional MRI & Connectivity, MSc neuroscience, U. Geneva   

2010-2017: Lecturer (2h/year), Vision and object perception, MSc neuroscience, U. Geneva   

2007: Information Technologies to BSc at Paris Descartes University

2005: Information Systems modeling to Bsc computer science at IUT Paris Nord University