Book Design Services

Prices are based on documents that have been formatted with word or another compatible format:

Interior Design

$250 – 160 pages or less

$300 – up to 280 pages

$375 – up to 500 pages

The following is included in the Interior Design:

A) Layout will include your choice of fonts:

1. Baskerville Old Face

2. Bookman Old Style

3. Garamond

4. Georgia

5. Gentium Book Basic

6. Courier New

7. Times New Roman

B) Chapter Titles and Table of Contents

C) Headers and Footers

D) Paragraph styles:

1. Indent the first line of a new paragraph


2. Add a space between paragraphs

E) Ornamental graphics at the end of a chapter.

Note: These services do not include editing your publication for content, spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Cover Creation

$200 - You supply the image and back cover text.

$400 – We find the image and write the back cover text, and submit 3 choices to you for approval.

Ebook Layout

$100 Kindle ready conversion for sale on

$275 Smashwords conversion. Smashwords will distribute your books via multiple online channels, including web site, and other major online retailers (Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Baker & Taylor, and more).

Republish by scanning your original book

When you want to republish a previously published book (you must have the legal rights to do this)

$100.00 plus 50¢ per page (cannot exceed 325 pages)

$100.00 for the cover Note: If you want to have a new cover, please look at the Cover Creation section listed above.

You will need to provide two copies of the original book that will not be returned.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss any or all of the above services.

Email, or use the Contact Us form, or give us a call at 541 441-3312.