Post-Fire Water Quality Monitoring Framework

FEMA Disaster Relief Post-fire Monitoring Projects

2018 Post-Fire Disaster Relief Monitoring Plan

Link to original Water Board wiki page --> http://wiki/swamp/doku.php?id=post_fire_monitoring

Problem Statement: At the December 2017 DMC meeting, the North Coast Regional Board reported their efforts and needs for addressing the Napa and Sonoma fires. The North Coast RB requested help for identifying resources to pay for monitoring water quality for future fires and they stated that management would benefit from better access to information in responding to post fires. Water quality monitoring would occur after the first emergency response. 

Project Charter

What is a Wildfire? A wildfire is any instance of uncontrolled burning in grasslands, brush or woodlands. Wildfires can be caused by lightning, human carelessness or arson. Wildfires often begin unnoticed spread quickly and present a direct risk to property and infrastructure, in addition to potential degradation of the water supply. In some cases, source water quality issues can persist for 5-10 years following a wildfire. Areas that have experienced a wildfire are also at an increased risk of flash flooding and mudslides because the ground where vegetation has burned away cannot effectively absorb rainwater. Often, post-fire impacts (including those impacts resulting from flash floods) are more detrimental to drinking water and wastewater systems than the fire itself. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Actions to Recover from a Wildfire

Implement BMP: (Post-Fire BMP Quick Guide - North Coast Region)

Implement BMP: (Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program's Most Frequently Installed BMPs 2006 - 2018)

Design Monitoring Study to Answer Management Question (Southern California Coastal Water Research Project)

