
Policing China: Street-Level Cops in the Shadow of Protest. 2021. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Peer Reviewed Articles:

  1. "Rhetoric and Reform: Authoritarian Policing in China," Journal of Chinese Political Science (forthcoming). Supplemental Materials.

  2. "Rethinking Authoritarian Resilience and the Coercive Apparatus," Comparative Politics, 53:2 *(2021): 309-330.

  3. "Propaganda and the Police: The Softer Side of State Control in China," Europe-Asia Studies, 73:1, 200-220.

  4. "Policing Modern China," The China Law and Society Review, 3:2 (2018): 79-117.

  5. "China's Unhappy Police," with Kevin O'Brien. Asian Survey, 56: 2 (2016): 225-42.

  1. "Understanding China's Rising Rights Consciousness," with Peter Lorentzen. China Quarterly, 223 (2015): 638-57.

  2. "Navigating Fieldwork as an Outsider: Observations from Interviewing Police Officers in China," PS: Political Science & Politics, 47: 2 (April 2014): 394-7.

Book Chapters:

  1. "Politics, Law, and Policing in Reform Era China," in Chinese Legality: Ideology, Law, and Institutions, edited by Hua Shiping. Forthcoming, Routledge.

Second Book Manuscript:

Constructing State Legitimacy in China

Working Papers:

"Constructing State Legitimacy: Social Media, Douyin, and the Police"

"Everyday Violence in China"

"Trust in Police? How People use Legal Advice Websites to Challenge Police in China" (with John Givens)