Undergraduate Researchers

Former students

Heather Craska

Evaluating the Effectiveness of QR Codes in Environmental Education and Outreach.

Heather completed her senior capstone and honor's senior thesis with me. She also was awarded the Gary W. Barrett Research Grant for undergraduates at Miami University.

Heather is now pursuing her Ph.D at the University of Illinois, Urbana.

Ian Berg

Evaluating the relationship of block-group scale demographic variables and built-environment characteristics with walking as a mode of commuting in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Ian is an honor student at Miami and completed his senior thesis with me. 

Alec Iruri-Tucker and Olivia Herron

Investigating the stated willingness of exurbanites to install pollinator habitat. 

Alec was an NSF-REU student at Miami University ("Ecology of human dominated landscapes").

Olivia is now the Sustainability Coordinator at Austin Peay State University.

Christine Daley

Parcelization in the exurbs of Butler County, OH from 2004 to 2014 and associated land cover changes.

Christine presented her research at US-IALE in Chicago (2018).

She was a Dean's Scholar, and honor student at Miami University. 

She is currently the crime analyst for the West Chester Police Department.

Andrew Freund, Ryan Mendoza, Aura Muniz

Investigating the ecosystem services provided by ponds on exurban lots. 

Andrew presented their research at US-IALE in Baltimore (2017).

He was an Undergraduate Summer Scholar (USS), Dean's Scholar, and Honor student at Miami University.

He is currently employed by the Hamilton County Public Heath Department. 

Ryan and Aura were NSF-REU students at Miami University ("Ecology of human dominated landscapes").

Caren Kay

Social interactions and street connectivity in the greater Cincinnati area.

Undergraduate Summer Scholar (USS), Dean's Scholar, and Honor student at Miami University.

Presented her research at National American Planning Association in Seattle (2015).

She is currently an associate at SB Friedman Development Advisors.