
Now this is a good game.

Here is a blank card:

Add your own values in the blanks. Here is what you can add:

NOTE: Sacrifices may also subtract stats other than health to activate.

Actually, if a card is a legend, it can have 9-10 hearts and if it is a SUPER legend, it has 11-15 hearts AND attack/defense add up to 12. An ability can be marked as automatic which means that it is automatically used all the time while the card is in play without taking it's turn. If a card's attack is 0, it CANNOT attack. And by "anything goes" I mean ANYTHING. You can make an ability and sacrifice have any effect.

ALSO a card does not have to have 2 abilities, 2 sacrifices, or an ability and sacrifice. It can have 1, or none!

The Rules Of Play:

A deck consists of 5-15 cards, including 0-2 legends and 0-1 SUPER legends. All players must have the same size decks. There are 2 kinds of games, single card games and double card games. In a single card game, every player has ONE card out at a time. In a double card game, every player has TWO cards out at a time. To start a player chooses 1 or 2 cards to send out (depending on game type), once everyone has and places them on the playing surface, the game begins. On every player's turn, each of their cards may attack, switch out to another card (the new card must wait until your next turn to do anything), or use an ability/sacrifice. If you attack, subtract target's defense from your attack, result is the damage you do (if it is negative the result should be assumed to be zero). (If your attack is EQUAL to opponent defense, 1 damage is done (rather than 0)) If a card has zero or less hearts, it is defeated and may no longer be used, a new card is placed from the deck to replace it, if all your cards are defeated, you are out of the game. On every player's turn they must take an action with each card! (Unless a card has zero attack in which case that card may pass) The winner is the player with the last remaining cards. Some games may result in ties since remaining cards cannot harm each other.

Some extra notes:

All opponents must be able to see your cards and be able to read your abilities/sacrifices and stats whenever they want.

However, cards not currently in play (in the deck) do not need to be seen by opponents (unless already revealed).

Lastly, all of the above rules may be broken by specific card abilities or sacrifices!

Also see the rebooted Comic loosely based on the game.

Thingamabobers' solid establishment, name, and metagame by Loren J. Sturgill. Original conception by Gabriel Kramer (rules, card design).