Contact Us

Our work is in the slow venture arena of People, Planet and Profits. We are actively seeking out the circumstances in which to accelerate the transformation of soil into a wonderful resource for social, environmental and economic development. If you are interested in this field, please contact us via Linked-In.

Mr. Patrick Van Haren, MBA, B.Sc. (Agr. Econ) Linked In Facebook

Patrick is the owner of Sunergie (started in 2003), a company specializing in soil-based economic development opportunities for central Texas and Microbial Earth Farms (fb) (started in 2008), a company focused on products that advance soil quality for both residential and agricultural markets.

Mr. Van Haren completed his accelerated MBA (cum laude) in entrepreneurship at Babson College in Wellesley, MA, where he focused on the “Managing Technology Intensive Enterprise” program. Mr. Van Haren also has 5 years of experience in developing joint ventures in North America and Europe for a Dutch co-operative in animal genetics, and 5 years of experience managing three small rural companies in farming, artificial insemination, and animal genetics. He is a graduate of the two-year Canadian Agricultural Lifetime Leadership Program, has a B. Sc. in Agriculture Business & Economics from the University of Guelph (Canada), and has served in numerous co-operatives in Canada. Mr. Van Haren has completed courses in Wind Project Finance, Bioenergy Project Finance, Advanced Composting, Holistic Resource Management, Intensive Cattle Grazing, and was awarded a Certificate as a Sustainable Development Professional from the American Energy Engineers Association. Mr. Van Haren has also served as Inaugural Vice-Chair of the Austin Zero Waste Alliance. His current project is the Travis Innovation District for Environmental Advancement

Ms. Karin Ascot (forthcoming)

Please contact us with general questions via the Discussion Forum.