Green Jobs

The following are links to selected web sites with a focus on 'green' jobs and/or careers:

  • Environmental Career Opportunities - Jobs can be searched by green niche areas, by state, or other key variables.

  • Environmental Career - The Environmental Career website has a green jobs blog, industry updates, and listings of jobs sorted by date.

  • GreenBiz Jobs - This website has a job postings site as well as a resume database where candidates interested in a green job can load their resume and be found by hiring companies.

  • Monster Jobs - Global job board and career planning site.

  • Sustainable Business - GreenDreamJobs - This web site targets all levels of employees and allows companies to post the internship and volunteer opportunities for free.

  • USA Jobs – The Federal Government's official one-stop source for federal jobs.

South Carolina Alternative Energy Jobs

* Check out Jobs Near Summerton, SC

South Carolina Solar Energy Industry 2021 - SC Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA)

  • Solar Jobs: 3,086

  • Solar Companies in State: 74 Manufacturers and Installers

  • Total Solar Investment in State: $2.3 billion

  • Number Of Installations: 23,771

If you would like to suggest new material or links to be added to this web site, please email