2024 Summer Math Homework
for Incoming 4th Graders
Required summer work
Dear Parents and Students,
We are so very excited to meet and get to know all of you all in August. Our goal is to make this your best year in math! In order to make it this the best year yet in math, please do your best to complete the following things:
1. Weekly math package (required)
This math packet is due on Monday, August 5th.
Click here -> Summer Math Homework
We recommend students complete the packet weekly to review math concepts throughout the summer in order to make the work more manageable to not overwhelm them. Again, this packet will be the first homework grade.
* If you are admitted during the summer to KMS, please complete as much of the packet as possible. If needed, We can talk about an adjusted due date on the first day of school. *
2. 90% or more accuracy for math facts fluency by end of summer
It's essential for students to master the 4 math facts operations in the summer. You can do self practice with flash cards, repetition of math facts on paper, recite using video or any way helpful for students.
Summer Goals
5 minutes daily practice or 35 minutes per week from June 1st to July 30th
90%+ accuracy on all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Each operation math facts will be quizzed during the first weeks of school.
When you reach the above accuracy goal, you can stop practicing daily and practice weekly. :)
Math Facts Practice Links
The actual quizzes are available below for students to practice and self assess throughout the summer.
Online practice
Addition (36 problems in approximately 3 minutes)
Subtraction (50 problems in approximately 4 minutes)
Multiplication (67 problems in approximately 5 minutes)
Division (67 problems in approximately 5 minutes)
Have a wonderful and safe summer! See you all in August!
Ms. Rowan and Mr. Reed
Kittredge Magnet School
suppelmental books (optionaL)
These books are optional for additional practice in all subjects over the summer, but highly recommended. They can be found at local bookstores or online.
Math Facts Essentials
One of the biggest success factors in math is knowing basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. This proves to be one of the biggest challenges as we progress through multi-digit multiplication and long division. Having the basic facts memorized is necessary for students to be successful with these and other more advanced processes. Not knowing the basic facts makes learning these concepts very difficult and can be detrimental to a student's confidence. Our fourth grade math curriculum is very challenging and requires us to move quickly to learn everything our students are expected to learn. We will not have the time to relearn the basics.
Over the summer your child is encouraged to practice the facts for at least 5 minutes each day to build fluency and speed in recalling the facts.
Addition (1 + 1 through 12 +1 2)
Subtraction (2 - 1 through 24 - 12)
Multiplication (2 x 2 through 12 x 12)
Division (2 ÷ 1 through 144 ÷ 12)
Additional practice can be done by using flashcards or exploring the many websites and apps designed to encourage fluency. You can also play games with the facts. Try to find ways to make practice fun, including silly rhymes, songs, or memory tricks. Card games, such as multiplication war, are also effective. Time that is usually spent in the car, waiting in line, or shopping can be used to help drill facts. It is important to identify the most challenging facts for your child, and spend the most time on those.
Children learn a lot from experiencing math in real life situations. Please involve your children as much as possible when you are using math to cook, build, shop, plan, tell time, etc. These experiences help students to develop a real understanding of math beyond numbers and computation.
Below are some example of websites that can be used for math facts practice.
Printable worksheets - https://www.mathfactcafe.com/
Video Tutorial