Teaching and Educational Outreach


Introduction to Biomicrofluidics [MOOC]

Concepts of Thermodynamics [MOOC]

Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics [SWAYAM]

Advanced Fluid Mechanics [MOOC | Youtube]

Laws of Thermodynamics [MOOC | Youtube]

Microfluidics [NPTEL | Youtube]

Computational Fluid Dynamics [NPTEL | Youtube]

Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer [NPTEL | Youtube]

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluids Engineering [NPTEL | Youtube]

QEEE Course on “Concepts in Fluid Mechanics” [QEEE]

QEEE Course on “Convection Heat Transfer” [QEEE]

QEEE Course on “Conduction Heat Transfer” [QEEE]

QEEE Course on “Fluid Dynamics” [QEEE]

QEEE Course on “Fluid Kinematics” [QEEE]

QEEE Course on “Fundamental Concepts in Fluid Mechanics” [QEEE]

QEEE Course on “Fluid Mechanics” [QEEE]

Courses Delivered in Outreach Mode

  • Delivered online Refresher Courses by National Resource Centres (SWAYAM Platform, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) for Faculties of all Educational Institutions on “Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics”, 2019

  • Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Concepts of Thermodynamics”, 2019

  • Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Computational Fluid Mechanics”, 2018

  • Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer”, 2018, 2019

  • Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Advanced Fluid Mechanics”, 2018

  • Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Laws of Thermodynamics”, 2017

  • Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Fluid Mechanics”, 2017, 2019

  • Delivered QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) Course (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Concepts in Fluid Mechanics”, August 29-September 1, 2017

  • Delivered QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) Course (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Convection Heat Transfer”, September 14-16, 2016

  • Delivered QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) Course (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Conduction Heat Transfer”, September 6-8, 2016

  • Delivered QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) Course (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Fluid Dynamics”, August 25-29, 2016

  • Delivered QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) Course (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Fluid Kinematics”, August 16-19, 2016

  • Coordinated and delivered lectures under the GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Network) programme titled “Microfluidics and Nanofluidics for Energy, Water, and Healthcare” (jointly with Prof. Sushanta Kumar Mitra of York University, Canada), May 16-27, 2016

  • Delivered QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) Course (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Fluid Mechanics”, February 16-18, 2016

  • Delivered QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education) Course (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Fluid Mechanics: Mathematical and Physical Foundations”, August 11-13, 2015

  • Organized and delivered lectures in the International Summer Winter Term (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Microfluidics and Nanotechnology for Healthcare Engineering”, June-July 2015 (jointly with Prof. Marc Madou of University of California Irvine)

  • Organized delivered the entire course on “Microfluidics and Nanofluidics” under Knowledge Dissemination Programme (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India), IIT Kharagpur, June 2015

  • Developed Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Microfluidics”, 2015

  • Developed NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) Video Lecture Course on “Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer”, 2015

  • Developed NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India)) Video Lecture Course on “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluids Engineering”, 2015.

  • Developed “Pedagogy” Course on “Computational Fluid Dynamics” (2015), jointly with Prof. Pradip Dutta of IISC. Bangalore (supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India)

  • Organized and delivered lectures in the International Summer Winter Term (IIT Kharagpur) on “Micro and Nano Scale Transport for Bio and Energy Applications”, December 2014 (jointly with Prof. Sushanta Kumar Mitra of University of Alberta)

  • Oroganized Coordinator’s Workshop (March 2014) and Main Workshop (May 2014) on “Fluid Mechanics”, under the programme “Talk to 10000 Teachers”, National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT), Sponsored by MHRD (Govt. of India), 2014

  • Co-organized Microfluidics Workshop, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, January 4, 2012

  • Developed NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) Video Lecture Course on “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, 2012

  • Co-organized Short Course on “Microfluidics and Micro-scale Transport: Health Care and Electronics Cooling to Oil and Gas Applications”, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, June 23 – 25, 2011

  • Organized Short Course on Microfluidics, Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering, Erlangen, Germany, October 6-10, 2008

Open Source Online Courses Developed

1. Developed online Video Lecture Delivered online Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Microfluidics” (https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105187/)

2. Delivered (Jointly) Refresher Courses by National Resource Centres (SWAYAM Platform, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) for Faculties of all Educational Institutions on “Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics” (https://swayam.gov.in/nd1_noc19_me53/preview)

3. Delivered (Jointly) MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Concepts of Thermodynamics” (https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105266/)

4. Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Computational Fluid Dynamics” (https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105045/)

5. Delivered (Jointly) MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer” (https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105271/)

6. Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Advanced Fluid Mechanics” (https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105218/)

7. Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Laws of Thermodynamics” (https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105220/)

8. Delivered MOOC Video Lecture Course under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India) on “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics” (https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105269/)