My dissertation!

This page links to all the available copies of my PhD Dissertation!

I'm super happy (and lucky) that all the main thesis chapters (except for Introduction and Conclusion) of my thesis are available as published works (either in journals or as preprints for now).

If you are interested in the papers themselves that these thesis chapters come from, here are some links:

  1. Chapter 2: Singh and Bowman, JCTC, 2017

  2. Chapter 3: Sun and Singh, et al., eLife, 2018

  3. Chapter 4: Cruz and Frederick, et al., 2020

  4. Chapter 5: Cubuk et al, Biorxiv, 2020

  5. Chapter 6: Zimmerman et al, Biorxiv, 2020

  6. Chapter 7: Brown et al, JBC, 2020

I've also embedded the full thesis in PDF form below!
