Subhasish Dugar
A view of the Wasatch Range from my balcony.
Economics department
Associate professor
University of Utah
I am an associate professor in the economics department at the University of Utah (2016 - present).
Previously, I was an assistant and an associate professor in the economics department at the University of Calgary (2007 - 2016).
Prior to that, I completed my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Arizona in 2006 and worked at Bank of America headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina.
work tools
Neoclassical tools and economics experiments (both lab and field) to study human behavior in strategic settings. I am also a member of this lab, ULEEF.
work (published)
Can Threats Improve Payoffs from Bargaining in Markets with Retaliations? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment, (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), Games and Economic Behavior, 2024, Vol 148, 119-137 .
Lying for Votes, (with Quazi Shahriar), Games and Economic Behavior, 2023, November, Vol 142, 46-72.
Undervaluation versus Unaffordability As Negotiation Tactics: Evidence from A Field Experiment (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), Special Issue on bargaining process" in Journal of Economic Psychology, 2023, June, Vol 96.
Business Norm vs. Norm-Nudge As A Contract-Enforcing Mechanism: Evidence from A Real Marketplace (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), Virtual Special Issue on "Nudges and Incentives" in European Economic Review, 2022, Vol 144 (3).
The Hidden Costs of Bargaining: Evidence from A Cheating-Prone Marketplace (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), International Economic Review, 2020, Vol 61 (3), 1253-1280.
Can concerns for social status mitigate the “Lemons Problem”? Experimental evidence from the Indian caste hierarchy (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), Journal of South Asian Development, 2019, Vol. 14 (2), 151-79.
Deception: The Role of Uncertain Consequences (with Quazi Shahriar and Arnab Mitra), European Economic Review, 2019, Vol. 114, 1-18.
Restricted and Free-form Cheap-Talk and the Scope for Efficient Coordination (with Quazi Shahriar), Games and Economic Behavior, 2018, Vol. 109, 294-310.
Fishy Behavior: A Field Experiment on (Dis)honesty in the Marketplace (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2017, Vol. 67, 41-55.
Bertrand Competition with Asymmetric Marginal Costs (with Arnab Mitra), Economic Inquiry, 2016, Vol. 54, Issue.3, 1631-1647.
Intrinsic Motivation, External Reward, and Their Effect on Overall Task Motivation and Performance (with Rosa Hendijani, Diane P. Bischak, Joseph Arvai), Human Performance, 2016, Vol. 29, Issue.4, 251-274.
Partnership Formation: The Role of Social Status (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), Management Science, 2014, Vol. 60, Issue 5, 1130-1147.
Contest for Ranks (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), Southern Economic Journal, 2013, Vol. 79, No.3, 621-638.
Status Incentives and Performance (with Haimanti Bhattacharya), Managerial and Decision Economics, 2012, Vol. 33, No.7-8, 549-563.
Group Identity and the Moral Hazard Problem: Experimental Evidence (with Quazi Shahriar), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2012, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1061 – 1081.
Can't Buy Me Love? A Field Experiment Exploring the Trade-off Between Income and Caste-Status in an Indian Matrimonial Market (with Haimanti Bhattacharya and David Reiley), Economic Inquiry, 2012, Vol. 50, No.2, 534-550.
Focal Points and Economic Efficiency: The Role of Relative Label Salience (with Quazi Shahriar), Southern Economic Journal, 2012, Vol. 78, No. 3, p954.
Non-monetary Incentives and Opportunistic Behavior: Evidence from a Laboratory Public Good Game, Economic Inquiry, 2012, Volume 51, Issue 2, pages 1374–1388, April.
Non-monetary Sanction and Behavior in An Experimental Coordination Game, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2010, Vol. 73, No.3, 377-386.
Choice of Routes in Congested Traffic Networks: Experimental Tests of the Braess Paradox (with Amnon Rapoport, Tamar Kugler and Eyran Gisches), Games and Economic Behavior, 2009, Vol. 65, No.2, 538 -571. : Note: this paper appears as further reading in Wikipedia's entry on Braess Paradox here.
Braess Paradox in the Laboratory: An Experimental Study of Route Choice in Traffic Networks with Asymmetric Costs (with Amnon Rapoport, Tamar Kugler and Eyran Gisches), Decision Modeling and Behavior in Complex and Uncertain Environments, 2008, Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 21, No. IV, 309 -337.
Price-Matching Guarantees and Equilibrium Selection in a Homogeneous Product Market: An Experimental Study, Review of Industrial Organization, 2007, Vol. 30, No.2 107-119.
Hassle Costs, Price-Matching Guarantees and Competition (with Todd Sorensen), Review of Industrial Organization, 2006, Vol. 28, No.4, 359-378.
The contents of this website represent the owner's views and do not represent the University of Utah's.