ASSURANCE: Cyber Attack Resilient Data Security Solutions for Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem

Smart manufacturing is expanding at an increasing pace due to the recent advances in information and communication technologies. While the number of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices is increasing exponentially, complex and sophisticated attacks continue to be a big challenge as connectivity of IIoT devices with the Internet will significantly increase attack vectors for cyber attackers. Traditional security approaches will no longer suffice for securing smart factories. Instead, we need scalable, multi-layered and fully integrated strategic security approaches to protect manufacturing facilities against cyber threats. Moreover, how to securely exchange and collaboratively analyse data across smart manufacturing supply chains while ensuring data integrity, accountability, and traceability – and hence realise the vision of collaborative manufacturing – are still challenges that have not been resolved. 

In this project, to address the above challenges, I will first develop a secure data exchange environment for connected IIoT devices by leveraging Intel SGX technology. Particularly, Intel SGX will help to protect code and data from disclosure or modification to cyber attackers in untrusted environment. Next, I will design a cyber attack detection technique by exploiting the physical property of IIoT device. Specifically, I will design an anomaly detection technique leveraging a unique electronic fingerprint that each device creates via its physical characteristics. Next, I will integrate machine learning technique to automate the anomaly detection procedure for defending against complex and sophisticated attacks. Finally, I will design a fundamental tool for identification of cyber attacks in smart manufacturing. The salient feature of my project is secure data exchange environment, machine learning based anomaly detection and cyber attack identification as well as introducing related security- and privacy-aware defenses in the smart manufacturing ecosystem. 


My earlier publications related to MSCA project: