Post date: Jan 24, 2021 10:40:49 PM

The following information is generously provided by The Andkon Arcade:

Starting in January 2021, Flash will no longer work. Flash versions after June 2020 ( and higher) have included a timer that will disable Flash on January 12, 2021.

Furthermore, most browsers like Chrome or Firefox will physically remove Flash in their next version updates in January anyways.

The solution is simple: Use a browser that does NOT take out Flash with an older version of Flash WITHOUT the disabling timer.

How to do this you may ask? Well, the best method in my own personal opinion is to setup a portable browser that still runs flash on a USB flash drive, and use that on the computer you wish to play games on as most schools do not allow you to install programs.

First off, before you begin to take the steps below to get Flash working again, make sure:

    1. You understand the inherent risks that using out-of-date software entails. Though as long as you continue to use reputable game websites such as this one, this will not be an issue.

    2. You have Windows 7/8.1/10.


    1. Download the Pale Moon browser (portable, 64-bit). [IMAGE] ------ (Alternate link through Google Drive if palemoon is blocked)

    2. Open to extract to a USB stick. Browse/select [...] the USB drive. Name the folder "palemoon" so that the extracted contents are in one folder. So something like F:\palemoon or G:\palemoon depending on what letter your USB drive uses. [IMAGE]

    3. Download the flash file NPSWF64_32_0_0_371.dll and move it into USB:/palemoon/Lib/Mozilla/Plugins. (Flash is the last version to not include a timer that disables Flash.) [IMAGE]

    4. Remove Adobe Flash Player NPAPI 32 if higher than (Flash defaults to the highest version installed.) [IMAGE] --- (Most computers most likely already have this step completed, as flash is outdated and schools keep up with that. HOWEVER, if this is not the case and you are not able to uninstall flash through the control panel, then you can try to use Adobe's own uninstaller that might slip past school security.)

    5. Open USB:/palemoon/Palemoon-Portable.exe [IMAGE]

    6. Navigate back to Unblocked Games for School and continue playing!