
Our statistical collaborators are trained to help design experiments, analyze and plot data, run statistical software, interpret results, and communicate statistical concepts to non-statisticians. Our assistance is free for university faculty, staff, and students on academic research projects. Areas of expertise include:

    • Grant Proposals

    • Experimental Design

    • Mulitvariate Methods

    • Qualitative data analysis

    • Biostatistics

    • Time Series

    • Quality Control

    • Publication Preparation

    • R, JMP, SAS, SPSS, Minitab, etc.

We are available to provide 10 hours per semester of free collaboration and consultation for all faculty, staff, and students on academic research projects. Exceptions to the 10-hour policy may be made for projects in which joint publications are being pursued or for those with potential for future collaborative research.

Our collaborators are faculty and students in the Department of Statistics. We have a director who meets with faculty clients and oversees a team of graduate and undergraduate student collaborators. Current collaborators have profiles on our website so you can put a face to the name before your first meeting. In addition, the entire statistics faculty may be available for collaboration on a case-by-case basis.

Grant Proposal Preparation

Statistical thinking can greatly contribute to the success of research proposals in most areas. At many granting agencies, the quality of statistical planning can tip the balance in favor of funding. We can help you with proposal preparation by advising you on the statistical aspects of your proposed research. This includes experimental design, sample-survey planning, and subsequent analyses. If a role for statistics or statistical analysis is proposed, we will gladly write the statistical methods section of your grant and join in your proposal.

Requesting Statistical Collaboration

Fill out the Collaboration Request Form. Please describe your overall research goals and specific questions. Feel free to add attachments including background information, cleaned data, or other related material. Once submitted, your request will be sent to us and you should receive a submission confirmation email. Based on the information you provide, you will be assigned a team of collaborators to your project. After you have been assigned a team, you should contact the statistical collaborators to schedule the first meeting. Before attending the first meeting, be sure to review our policies, learn a little about your collaboration team, and Contact Us if you have any questions.

Request a Collaboration Meeting