Policy reports

Technical and policy reports - institutional publications

The territorial economic impact of COVID-19 in the EU. A RHOMOLO update, with A. Conte, F. Crucciti, S. Salotti, 2021. JRC Working Papers JRC125536, Joint Research Centre, link

The territorial economic impact of COVID-19 in the EU. A RHOMOLO Analysis, with A. Conte, P. Lecca, S. Salotti, 2020. JRC Working Papers JRC121261, Joint Research Centre, link

The impact of the European Social Fund: The RHOMOLO assessment, JRC Working Papers JRC113328, Joint Research Centre (Seville site), with A. Conte and S. Salotti, link

RHOMOLO V3: A Spatial Modelling Framework, with Lecca P. (first author), Barbero J., Christensen M.A., Conte A., Di Comite F., Diaz-Lanchas J., Diukanova O., Mandras G., Persyn D., Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-85886-4, doi:10.2760/671622, JRC111861, May 2018, link

The macroeconomic implications of the European Social Fund: An impact assessment exercise using the RHOMOLO model, JRC Working Papers on Territorial Modelling and Analysis 2018-01, Joint Research Centre, link