Notes for Hosts

The Galaxies Journal Club receives more speakers per year than any other talk series at STScI, so the support provided by speaker hosts is invaluable. Being a speaker's host means doing a few things:

1.Visitor Form: At least 6 weeks prior to the speaker's visit, Institute policy requires the Visitor Information Form (Part A) to be completed.

2.Schedule: So our speakers can make the most of their time here, many have a schedule of people to meet & talk with, meal plans, etc, during their stay. For speakers who wish to do this, we ask that their hosts set up and look after the schedule (typically done via a Doodle Pool or Google Doc). The Journal Club organizers will advertise the schedule in the emails circulated during the week in advance of the talk.

3.Host!: During the speaker's visit, the host's main role is to look after them, making sure they find the places they need to be, etc - generally making sure that the speaker has a good stay, and doesn't feel neglected.