Structural identifiability (SI) and dynamical compensation (DC)
Dynamical compensation (DC) is a concept introduced by Karin et al [1]. Its original definition (if a model has DC with respect to a parameter, the model output does not depend on that parameter) is similar to the definition of a structurally unidentifiable parameter [2,3]. The relationship between DC and structural (un)identifiability has been analysed in depth in [4,5].
As supplementary material for [2,4], we provide below a compressed folder named "Supplementary_Material_MATLAB_code". It contains an extended version of the STRIKE-GOLDD toolbox with additional scripts that perform all the identifiability analyses presented in [2,4]. Furthermore, the folder also includes MATLAB scripts that generate Figures 2 and 3 in [4]. To reproduce the results, click on the link at the right of this page to download the ZIP file. Then, unzip it and follow the guidelines given in the file "README - how to reproduce results" that you will find in the uncompressed folder.
DOWNLOAD Supplementary_Material_MATLAB_code
[1] Karin O, Swisa A, Glaser B, Dor Y, Alon U (2016) "Dynamical compensation in physiological circuits". Mol Syst Biol 12(11), 886.
[2] Villaverde AF, Banga JR (2017) "Dynamical compensation in biological systems as a particular case of structural non-identifiability". arXiv:1701.02562
[3] Sontag, ED (2017) "Dynamic compensation, parameter identifiability, and equivariances." PLoS Comput Biol 13(4), e1005447.
[4] Villaverde AF, Banga JR (2017) "Dynamical compensation and structural identifiability: analysis, implications, and reconciliation". PLoS Comput Biol, 13(11), e1005878
[5] Karin O, Alon U, Sontag E (2017) "A Note On Dynamical Compensation And Its Relation To Parameter Identifiability." bioRxiv: 123489.