
This website is not an official website of any 12 Step Program, but is created by me, John N, a recovering member in UA (Underearners Anonymous) to provide a place where UA members can access helpful information not readily available on the official website.  As a separate entity, this resource cannot be endorsed or promoted by UA, but UA is welcome to use its content on their website, should they so desire.  Some of the pages previously posted on this site have been moved to my Dropbox to make them easier for me to keep up to date (and for you to print). You will find them in the list of Attachments of my email newsletter, including the following of particular interest: 

“Let Love, Serenity & Vision Open the Door to 2024!”

January 1, 2024, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm EST

Email phonemeetings@mail.com to make any suggestions for improving this website, or to request to receive the latest newsletter.

And a hearty "thank you" to each of you who takes time to share your experience, strength and hope with those of us who so desperately need to hear your progress via these helpful meetings. May our loving Higher Power surprise you with even more Strength and Hope from His generous heart!

- John N (:-D) - Gratefully recovering one day at a time in Arizona

Website Disclaimer: There is only one website that has been UA Conference Approved, that is at the official site: www.underearnersanonymous.org. The contents of any other site containing UA information, no matter how beneficial, does not bear the stamp of approval of UA headquarters, since they are not responsible for its content. Any inaccuracies or misrepresentations, however unintentional, are the sole responsibility of the creator of said website; and if corrections should be necessary, address them to the author of the site, in this case, by emailing: phonemeetings@gmail.com.

 Wishing you a prosperous day, living joyous, happy and free