UA Meetings
and Formats

This website is not an official website of Underearners Anonymous.

The above calendar lists only UA's Phone and Video meetings.

The times given are in the Eastern Time Zone.

For the complete schedule of face-to-face and phone meetings,

as well as monthly committee meetings and other events in UA, 

please see the official website at

To submit a new meeting or to add a new description or format to an existing meeting,

use the new Meeting Registration Form which updates all 3 Google Calendars on the UA website.

To make changes to the Calendar you see above, email

     The other purpose of this page is to provide a 6-page UA Phone Meeting List which is an Easy-to-use Guide to all the phone meetings that UA offers, which includes a chronological list to all the phone and zoom meetings. It not only indicates which meetings have Dashboard capabilities (to minimize disruptions), but also provides links to their formats, international dial-in numbers and recorded speaker lists, when applicable. The list also highlights all the UA Speaker Meetings (those phone meetings inviting speakers to qualify for 5 to 20 minutes).  It also indicates which meetings may be accessed through either the Free Conference Call App (FCC) or the Free Conference Call HD App (FCC-HD). Both are available through Google Play or iTunes App Stores.

Bonus: This website and the UA website both make it possible to easily view and print your own customized schedule in your own time zone.

Here's how it works, using the above Phone Meeting calendar as an example:

To Customize and Print the UA Phone Meeting Schedule in Your Time Zone:

Find the Google Calendar button at the bottom of the list of meetings (shown to the right of where it says "Events shown in time zone: Eastern Time"). Depending on your screen size, you may need to scroll to find the button. Click that button and, if you’re logged in to your Google account, you’ll get a dialog box asking if you'd like to add the Phone Meetings to your Google Calendar. When you select "Yes," you’ll see a calendar of all the upcoming meetings, IN YOUR TIME ZONE! To print them in a list, like the way it appears on the UA website, display the Menu bar (the button on the top left corner), unselect all but the Phone Meetings Calendar. To the right of the Settings icon, look for a dropdown menu (the Display Menu) and select the Schedule option, and then under the Settings menu, click Print. Then select your options, and click the Print button at the bottom left of the Dialog Box. If you don’t have a free account with Google yet, you can go to sign me up to start one.

Disclaimer: This page and the above Google Drive links are all unofficial webpages, 

created by John N. on his own accord, as a service to UA members.

It cannot, therefore, be endorsed or promoted by UA,

although they are welcome to use any of its content on the official site as desired.

For more info, or to offer suggestions or corrections

email John N. (Arizona) at:

 Wishing you a prosperous day, living joyous, happy and free