Stop Motion Animation in the Class

Here is a place to post and share your Stop Motion Animation YouTube URL's for others to enjoy.

This site is only opened to those who have signed up for the Heritage Institute's Stop Motion Animation in the Classroom Course.

To Post:

Post your animated short to YouTube.

Copy the URL address at the top.

Open this site.

Click the add a page option at the top right of this page (Looks like a piece of paper with a "+" on it)

Name your page, include the title of your film, Include your name, date.

Hit the create button.

In the body type a little description of the stop motion and posted the URL address link to the bottom of the message.

Push Save.

Select any of the films posted to view.

Please do not delete anyone's film. This site is for all those in the Stop Motion Animation Course to enjoy!

Happy Creating!

Debbie Supplitt M.F.A.-A.Ed./M.Ed.

Heritage Institute Art Instructor

To see more fun filled courses access the Heritage web site at: Debbie Supplitt: Course Offering
