Information for fee payments, deadlines, late fees and refunds are as follows:
a.) Early Bird Registration will run for a minimum of 2 weeks at the beginning of registration, ending no later than and including July 1st .
a.) Regular Registration will run from July 1st , up to October 31st yearly.
b.) On November 1st yearly, any late registrations will need to be reviewed and approved by the board on a case-by-case basis.
a.) Yearly, the Board of Directors will set the season registration fees prior to the opening of the new registration period.
b.) Season hockey fees will be due on the following schedule:
i) Full payment via e-transfer, cash or cheque by September 1; or
ii) Installment Payment Plan as follows:
a. September 1st: 50% (e-transfer, cash or mailed cheque)
b. October 1st: 25% (post-dated cheque required)
c. Nov. 1st: 25% (post-dated cheque required)
c.) Failure to pay registration fee installments or full payments will result in the following:
i) $50.00 penalty per missed payment or NSF payment; and
ii) removal of the player from the applicable team roster(s) until payment is caught up.
iii) NSF payment by cheque will result in the player being charged $25.00 fee.
a.) A refund may be requested in writing to SMMH Treasurer and Registrar up to December 31st of the current hockey season.
b.) Once a refund is requested, the player may not participate in any SMMH practices, games, or activities.
c.) Refunds for players may be offered on the following schedule:
i) If a player has not participated in any SMMH activity prior to September 30th, 100% of the registration, less a $50.00 administration fee is refunded.
ii) If a player has participated in any SMMH activity prior to September 30th, 80% of the registration, less a $25.00 administration fee is refunded.
iii) If a player has participated in any SMMH activity October 1-31st , 75% of the registration, less a $25.00 administration fee is refunded.
iv) If a player has participated in any SMMH activity November 1-30th , 50% of the registration, less a $25.00 administration fee is refunded.
v) If a player has participated in any SMMH activity December 1-31st , 25% of the registration, less a $25.00 administration fee is refunded.
d.) After December 31 st , no refunds will be issued, except in the case of a significant injury, as decided by a Board of Directors vote, on a case-by-case.
e.) Refunds will not be issued for any form of disciplinary action including suspensions issued by SMMH, Interlake Minor Hockey or other governing bodies.