About Us

Even though we are a small family-sized parish here at Saint Nicholas our community is vibrant and diverse, attracting worshippers from around Central Florida and from as far afield as the Caribbean, Canada, Africa, and the United Kingdom.

While comprising a wide age range of ages, cultures, and ethnicities we are united as ONE under the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are firmly grounded in our desire to be true to the faith and practice of the early Christians and relevant in ministry to a post-modern and questioning world.

Together we celebrate and grow through traditional worship and prayer, pastoral care and spiritual counsel, orthodox preaching and teaching, and joyful fellowship with one another.

Our worship each week follows the form of The Holy Eucharist, which we celebrate at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday. This was the worship service of the early Christians, which we continue. You can read more about The Holy Eucharist on the webpage titled "Our Faith".

What to Expect at Worship

The worship of God is the very heart of our life at Saint Nicholas Anglican Church. In it we gather together to hear and respond to God's Word to us in Holy Scripture, to sing his praises, and to celebrate and share in the reality of his presence with us in our risen Lord, Jesus Christ!

We refer to our worship as "liturgical" worship. Liturgy involves a sense of history, ritual, and drama and our liturgical worship at Saint Nicholas includes elements from both ancient Hebrew and first century Christian worship. Our worship is ancient and modern and inclusive of all our senses.

Regarding Children in worship:

Children of all ages are very welcome in worship at St. Nicholas. In fact, we consider the care and nurture of children as a focal point of our parish, Saint Nicholas being the patron saint of children. If you find you need to sit with your children in the Parish Hall during the sermon, or if they otherwise need to come out of church for a moment, an usher can direct you.

What to Expect after Worship

We try our best to be a welcoming congregation, so after worship on Sundays we go immediately next door to the Parish Hall for coffee and a chance to meet and socialize with one another. Sometimes there may be a special event, teaching, or community meeting as well. In any event we encourage you to stay on and, if you would like, introduce yourself to our priest, Church Wardens, and members of the congregation.