Groups & Committees

    As parishioners we are here to serve others and use our gifts that God has given us to help those in our family, parish, community, and throughout the world.  There are several different groups within our parish that you can be involved with. Everyone is welcome to join at any time.  If you would like more information on any of them, please don't hesitate to ask.

~ Pastoral Council - Serve as a representative and advisory body in the parish for determining and evaluating pastoral concerns, suggesting policies and plans pertaining to the spiritual and material affairs of the parish to the pastor.

~ Liturgy Committee - Assists the pastor by recommending, implementing, and coordinating activities pertaining to worship and spiritual growth of the parish.  This committee is responsible for changing the environment of the church to meet the occasion.

~ Human Needs Committee - Searches out and applies Christian principles to the needs of the aged, needy, youth and to coordinate the activities of the parish committees.

      ~ Administration Committee - Oversees the maintenance and care of the parish property, buildings, and cemetery.

~ Finance Committee - Assists and advises the pastor in financial matters, reviews and audits financial records of the parish, organizations, and cemetery; prepares parish budget and submits it to the Archdiocesan finance office. 

    ~ Altar Society - 

    ~ Parish Religious Education (PRE) - Educates the youth ages 3-Grade 12 on the teachings of the church and deepens their  faith.  We have a wonderful participation of students and teachers who meet weekly throughout the school year. 

    ~ Knights of Columbus Council #9898 -

    ~ Choir - 

    ~ Quilters - These ladies make over 100 quilts a year and disperse them to various places of need!  Usually, they meet once a week.