
Recent Publications:


"Why is There no Key of H?"  Concert Presentation at Campbell Hall, Stanford University, 2007

Ocean Engineering

"Extreme Response Estimation of Offshore Wind Turbines with an Extended Contour-Line Method,"  J. Physics: Conference Series 1104 012031, 2018

"Modelling Shallow-Water Waves: Truncated Hermite Models and the ShallowWave Routine,"  OMAE 2015

"Fatigue of Risers: Calibrating Reliability Estimates from Full-Scale Data,"  OMAE 2014

"VIV Safety Factors for Drilling Risers: Propagating Model Uncertainty in a Long-Term Reliability Analysis,"  OMAE 2013

"Turkstra Profiles of North Sea Currents: Wider Than You'd Think,"  OMAE 2011

"Reliability Analysis of Ice Loads on Arctic Offshore Structures,"  POAC 2011

"Turkstra Models of Current Profiles,"  OMAE 2009

"Environmental Contour Lines: A Method for Estimating Extremes by a Short Term Analysis,"  SNAME 2008

Probability and Statistics

"A Dynamic Inverse FORM Method: Design Contours for Load Combination Problems"  Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2016

"Design Contours for Load Combinations: Generalizing Inverse FORM Methods to Dynamic Problems,"  7th Computational Stochastic Mechanics Conference, 2014

"Extremes of Nonlinear Vibration: Comparing Models Based on Moments, L-Moments, and Maximum Entropy,"  Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol 135, No 2, 2013

"Comparing L-Moments and Conventional Moments to Model Current Speeds in the North Sea,"  Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2011

"Extremes of Nonlinear Vibration: Models Based on Moments, L-Moments, and Maximum Entropy,"  OMAE 2011

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Photograph, Green Library, by Stewart Crown.