Westchester Olympic in Playland

Post date: Sep 27, 2010 3:24:41 PM

Westchester Triathlon Team Summary

By: Nick Walulik

Overall, the Stevens Institute of Technology Triathlon team had a very successful race this past Sunday at the Jarden Westchester Triathlon, held in Rye Town, New York. It was an Olympic distance race consisting of a 0.9 mile swim, 24.9 mile bike and 10k run. The eight Stevens athletes who finished battled through the course to all finish with personal bests. Highlights included a podium overall age group finish and a second place finish in the 15-19 age group division.

Matthew Smith headed up the race for Stevens as the top overall male finisher. Matthew did not have a weak part of his race yesterday. His swim was strong as usual, seventh overall out of the water, and his bike and run splits were also solid. He finished with a great time of 2:15.32 and finished 7th in the 20-24 age group division. Nick Walulik was Stevens’ second male finisher of the day finishing with a time of 2:18.48 and 11th in the 20-24 age group. Luke Niezelski also had a great day, finishing second in the 15-19 age group division with a time of 2:19.35. He had the eighth fastest swim of the day, crossing the timing pad right after Matthew. Rounding out the males was Aaron Perelman and Aaron Williams finishing in times of 2:21.36 and 2:25.20. Aaron Perelman clocked the fastest Stevens 10k split at 41:34. Steven Chick was unable to finish the race due to bike malfunction. However, as a whole, the men had a very impresive showing finishing with personal bests.

Amanda Nauman had absolutely the top race of the year so far by any male or female athlete on the Stevens team. Amanda was on a mission for success right from the start of the day when she put up the 10th fastest swim and 49th fastest bike of the near 1000 men and women that competed at the triathlon. Her persistent drive placed her as the 3rd fastest overall female age grouper of the day! She finished the race with a time of 2:18.12. Coming up second for the girls was Jamie Brabston with a great race. She finished with a time 2:31.06. That finished her fifth in the 20-24 age group division. Nicole Ogrosso rounded out the girls with a time of 2:51.37.

As a team, Stevens had a very good race at the Westchester Triathlon. Both the men and women performed at their peak potential for an Olympic distance race, posting the most personal best times at one race. They plan on holding this momentum and bringing more speed into the conference championship race next weekend at Montauk, NY.