How Metal Buildings Can Help The Environment?

As more and more attention is being paid to the environment and the impact humans are having on it, the appeal of green construction is as high as it's ever been.

Fortunately, with steel, it's easy being green.

The steel and metal building industry has made being green easier than ever.

The steel industry prides itself on being sustainable. It's the only material used in construction that is 100% recyclable. Most of the steel being used today has already been recycled.

With sustainable construction, you can set your company apart from the rest. You will show your potential clients and customers that you care about the environment, all while using one of the most cost-effective construction methods.

In the article below, we will look at a few ways metal buildings help the environment.


With metal buildings, every piece of steel is designed and manufactured for your particular facility, meaning there is no steel waste produced.

And, even if there were, it is still 100% recyclable and can be used again.

When building a traditional building made out of wood, your wood arrives in bundles and is cut as needed, leaving the excess to be discarded.

As I mentioned above, steel is 100% recyclable, and its strength does not wear down, no matter how many times it is recycled. It can be repurposed for any project.


Designing your metal building will provide you with several opportunities to save on energy and build sustainably.

For example, using white roof panels with unique pigments can reflect and re-emit solar radiation.

That keeps the interior of your building cooler and takes some of the load off of your air conditioner reducing energy use by about 40%.

Metal roofs are also perfect for solar panels so that you can convert the sun's energy into electricity to power your building.

It's very easy to install insulation in your metal building as well.

Even though steal transfers heat reasonably well, you can install insulation inside of the steel frame in the walls and roof panels as well as the floor system.

High-performance insulation will decrease heat transfer through the walls and roof panels, so you will need less energy to keep your building warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

The weather-tight doors and windows of a prefabricated metal building ensure a tight seal to eliminate air leaks that drain energy.


One of the amazing benefits of steel is that it is resistant to things like mold and mildew.

Once your metal building is constructed, it won't require any unique treatments to prevent mold, decay, or to protect it from insects.

Steel doesn't absorb moisture, so it won't play host to any bacteria that can be harmful to the occupants of the building.

And another benefit is that steel is extremely resistant to natural disasters that would devastate a wood-framed building.

Snowstorms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes can leave your metal building unharmed.

By building with steel, your structure will be resistant to many environmental effects so that it will survive for decades with little to no maintenance.


There are two leading green construction companies; the National Green building Program and the US Green Building Council.

Because metal buildings are strong, low maintenance, and energy-efficient, they can be greenhouse certified.

Because more and more cities see the need to protect the Earth, they are passing more and more greenhouse laws the construction companies have to follow.

Building a metal building puts you ahead of the game when it comes to green building standards.


In a world with a renewed commitment to environmental responsibility, metal buildings stand at the forefront of construction.

Steel provides builders with an environmentally responsible construction material that is durable, recyclable, and infinitely reusable.

The steel and metal building industries continue to find ways to lower their carbon footprint during production and construction.

If you are looking to build a new structure in the most environmentally friendly way, steel is an obvious choice.


If you're ready to start your metal building project, contact STEVENS today.

The STEVENS building systems team can provide you with an advanced metal building kit that will streamline your next building project.

Their metal building kits have unlimited, customizable options that will allow you to tailor your metal building to match your business' needs.

Whether you need a new government building, manufacturing building, energy or power plant, garage, or any other number of industrial metal buildings, STEVENS has you covered.

To start your next metal building project with STEVENS, contact them today.