
Selected Publications

"Democratization, Leader Education and Growth: Firm-level Evidence from Indonesia" with Paul Pelzl
Journal of Economic Growth, 2023. Early version: CEPR DP 16486 [Online Appendix] [replication files] [open access]
- see also column at, 11 August 2021

"Pushing One's Luck: Petroleum ownership and discoveries" with Christa Brunnschweiler
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 109 (September), 102506, 2021. [replication files] [open access link]

"Good mine, bad mine: Natural resource heterogeneity and Dutch disease in Indonesia" with Paul Pelzl
Journal of International Economics 131 (July), 103457, 2021. CEPR DP15271. [replication files] [open access link]

"Mining Matters: Natural Resource Extraction and Firm-level Constraints" with Ralph de Haas
Journal of International Economics 117 (March) 109-124, 2019. [open access link]
- see also column at, 22 September 2016, and LSE Business Review, 28 September 2016

"Former Foreign Affiliates: Cast Out and Outperformed?" with Beata Javorcik
Journal of the European Economic Association 15(3) 1-39, 2017. (lead article) [open access]
- see also column at, 13 June 2016

"From mine to coast: transport infrastructure and the direction of trade in developing countries" with Roberto Bonfatti.
Journal of Development Economics 127, 91–108, 2017. [Online Appendix] [preprint]
- Press coverage: Brookings 11.09.2018

"Do global banks facilitate foreign direct investment?"
European Economic Review 76, 25-46, 2015. [Online Appendix] [preprint]
- Winning paper of KVS/ESB award 2012 (best paper in economics by Dutch economists 2012, Royal Economics Association Netherlands (KVS))

"The Local Economic Impacts of Natural Resource Extraction" with Jim Cust
Annual Review of Resource Economics 7, 251-268, 2015. [preprint]

"Do natural resources attract non-resource FDI?" with Frederick van der Ploeg
The Review of Economics and Statistics 95(3), 1047-1065, 2013. [data] [preprint]

"Urban growth and uninsured rural risk: Booming towns in bust times"
Journal of Development Economics 96(2), 461-475, 2011. [Preprint]
- INFER 2009 Best Paper Award
- Media coverage: CQ Global Researcher 3(4), 4.2009

"The pungent smell of 'red herrings': Subsoil assets, rents, volatility and the resource curse" with Frederick van der Ploeg
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 60(1), 44-55, 2010. [Preprint]
- Reprinted in F. van der Ploeg and A.J. Venables (eds.), The Economics of Resource Rich Economies (Cheltenham, UK: Elgar, April 2015).

"Inter-industry wage differentials in EU countries: What do cross-country time varying data add to the picture?" with Philip Du Caju, Gábor Kátay, Ana Lamo and Daphne Nicolitsas
Journal of the European Economic Association 8(2/3), 478-486, 2010. [Preprint]

 "Volatility and the natural resource curse" with Frederick van der Ploeg
Oxford Economic Papers 61(4), 727-760, 2009. [Preprint]
- Media coverage: Die Zeit 20.4.2011 & Handelsblatt 19.4.2011
- Reprinted in F. van der Ploeg and A.J. Venables (eds.), The Economics of Resource Rich Economies (Cheltenham, UK: Elgar, April 2015).


Other Publications

"Follow the money: Does the financial sector intermediate natural resource windfalls?" with Thorsten Beck
Journal of International Money and Finance, 130, 102769, 2023. [replication files] [open access]
- see also column at and the World Bank's All About Finance blog

"Do markets see risks of fiscal dominance in the euro area?" with D. Bonam, G. Galati, and T. Ozden
Box 17 in: ECB Strategy Review. Monetary-fiscal policy interactions in the euro area. Work stream on monetary-fiscal policy interactions. ECB Occasional Paper Series 273, Sep 2021

"Financial Globalization and Foreign Direct Investment", in Mariana Spatareanu, ed., Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise, Volume 1 of Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz, ed., Encyclopedia of International Economics and Global Trade, World Scientific Publishing Co., Chapter 3, March 2020.

"How expensive should CO2 be? Fuel for the political debate on optimal climate policy"
Heliyon 5(11), November 2019, e02936. [open access]
- Press coverage: Forbes 23.11.2020

"The Impact of Natural Resources: A survey of recent quantitative evidence" with F. van der Ploeg.
Journal of Development Studies 53(2), 205-216, 2017. [preprint]
- Reprinted in E. Papyrakis (ed.), Why Does Development Fail in Resource Rich Economies: The Catch 22 of Mineral Wealth (London, UK:Routledge, August 2017).

"Green havens and pollution havens" with Frederick van der Ploeg.
The World Economy 38(7), 1159–1178, 2015. [preprint]

"Human capital and employment growth in German metropolitan areas: new evidence"
Regional Studies 47(2), 245-263, 2013. [preprint]

"Did the crisis affect inflation expectations?" with Gabriele Galati and Chen Zhou
International Journal of Central Banking 7(1), 167-207, 2011. 

"Foreign direct investment and urban concentrations: unbundling spatial lags" with Frederick van der Ploeg
Journal of Regional Science 49(4), 749-775, 2009. [Preprint]

"Globalization and the rise of mega-cities in the developing world" with Frederick van der Ploeg
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 1(3), 477-501, 2008. [Preprint]

Publications in Dutch

"Invoering CO2-heffing aan Europese grens heeft nog heel wat voeten in de aarde" (Implementation of European carbon border tax is no simple matter)
Economisch Statistische Berichten. 106(4800), 364-367, 2021.
- Press coverage: Het Financieele Dagblad

"Klimaatbeleid en internationale handel" (Climate policy and international trade)
in: Daan van Soest, Sjak Smulders en Reyer Gerlagh (eds.). Preadviezen 2018: Klimaatbeleid: kosten, kansen en keuzes. Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, p116-p124.

"Wetenschapsnotitie: Onderzoek naar schone lucht" (Researching clean air) with Y. Delaprez
Verkeerskunde. 1/2018, 23 januari 2018.

"Voor een optimale prijs is een CO2-belasting nodig" (How high should a tax on CO2 be?)
Economisch Statistische Berichten. 102(4754), 474-477, 12 oktober 2017.

"Het groeiperspectief van China op de lange termijn" (China's long-term growth potential) with J. de Haan
Economisch Statistische Berichten. 101(4727), 102-105, 4 februari 2016.

"Buitenlandse directe investeringen en Nederlandse banken" (FDI and Dutch banks)
Economisch Statistische Berichten. 100(4705), 148-151, 12 maart 2015.

"Compacte Netwerksteden" (Compact Network-Cities) with F. van der Ploeg
Stedenbouw en Ruimtelijke Ordening 91(2), 16-23, 2010.

"Mondiale crises rampzalig voor ontwikkelingslanden" (Global crisis disastrous for developing countries) with F. van der Ploeg
Economisch Statistische Berichten 94(4563), 36-43, 2009.

Op-Eds, Columns, Podcasts 

"Electing educated leaders during democratisation: Evidence from Indonesia",, CEPR's Policy Portal, 8 November 2021 (with P. Pelzl)

"The political economy of Africa’s interior-to-coast roads",, CEPR's Policy Portal, 3 December 2020 (with R. Bonfatti)

"Africa's roads make the rich richer", VoxTalks, CEPR's Policy Portal, 27 November 2020. [podcast] Also VoxDevTalks, 10 March 2021 

"NZ must keep the door open to migrants",, 22 June 2020. [version with references]

"Is there a natural resource curse in finance?", World Bank's All About Finance blog, 4 April 2017 (with T. Beck)

"Follow the money: The impact of natural resource windfalls on the financial sector",, CEPR's Policy Portal, 26 February 2017 (with T. Beck)

"Mining causes infrastructure bottlenecks that hurt nearby manufacturers", LSE Business Review, 28 September 2016 (with R. de Haas)

"Mining matters: Natural resource extraction and local business constraints", CEPR's Policy Portal, 22 September 2016 (with R. de Haas)

"The persistence of foreign ownership benefits: New evidence", CEPR's Policy Portal, 13 June 2016 (with B. Javorcik)

"Kredietcrisis is slechts begin: Arme landen krijgen nog de grootste klap" (Credit crisis is just the beginning: poor countries are yet to receive the biggest hit) with F. van der Ploeg
Het Financieele Dagblad, 22 August, 2009, and
MeJudice, 2, 17 September, 2009.