Peer-Reviewed Publications
"Measuring Incumbent Response to Municipal Broadband Opt-out Referenda in Colorado" (2023) Telecommunications Policy, 47(10)
“Entry Threats From Municipal Broadband Internet and Impacts on Private Provider Quality” (2020) Information Economics and Policy, 52
“Factoring Emerging Markets into the Relationship Between Global Liquidity and Commodities,” (with Abdur Chowdhury)
(2015) Journal of Economic Studies, 42(4) pp. 622 - 640.
Working Papers
"Two, Three, or Four Providers? Converging to Competition in Broadband Internet"
"Rockets and Feathers in Electricity Generated by Natural Gas? Implications for Market Power"
Works in Progress
"Spatial Diffusion of Barrel-aging Techniques in the American Craft Beer Industry"
“Reevaluating the Costs and Benefits of Adjustable Rate Mortgages”
"Confederate Iconography and Property Values" (with Tim Murray)
"Risk and Reputation in a Grassroots Peer-to-Peer Online Lending Community" (with Brenden Mason)
“Spatial Effects of the Clark County OH Land Bank Vacant Housing Demolition Program” (with Edward Hasecke and Victor Verdier)
"Agglomeration, Growth, and Survival in Craft Brewing"
Undergraduate Senior Honors Thesis Involvement
Spring 2020
Analysis of Ohio Municipal Income Tax Rates and Tax Revenues (advisor)
Chestertonian Distributism: An Analysis of Economic Thought (reader)