
Embedded Cross in Paper Concrete

Paper concrete was made with newspaper fiber and Portland cement

Family Crest in Stone

The Crest is carved from a piece of Granite Gneiss with pecan leaves painted in metallic paint. The L&M Crest is from L & M Farm, a pecan orchard in East Texas.

Scroll Saw Sign in 3/4 inch Red Oak

This sign is prominently displayed above the fireplace in BC Wetlands' lodge.

Retirement Gift for Laura Diaz.  Pattern drawn by Steven Price from an album released in Germany.  American Albums read 'MEET THE BEATLES'.  
1/8 " Baltic Birch wood with black felt behind.

Beatles 1962 Album Cover Scroll Saw Portrait

Adoption Day Scroll Saw Portrait

Jessica found her Forever Home and Derek got a little sister.

A friend was a Foster Parent to several kids that couldn't quite reach the sink to brush their teeth. That all changed when a piece of firewood became a step stool.