Publications by subject area
Publications by year Publications by subject area
Metaphysics: a Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
A Book About Nothing (in preparation).
‘5 Questions’, in Metaphysics: 5 Questions, A. Steglich-Peterson (ed.), Copenhagen: Automatic Press/VIP: 53-61.
'Metaphysics of Science' [conference report], The Reasoner, 10.3 (2009): 9.
‘Metaphysics’, in Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science, S. Psillos and M. Curd (eds), London; Routledge, 2008: 26-35.
David Armstrong, Stocksfield: Acumen, 2007, x + 206 pp, ISBN 978-1-84465-100-9.
Russell on Metaphysics, edited with introductions by Stephen Mumford. London: Routledge, 2003, viii + 256 pp, ISBN 0415-277450.
with Matthew Tugby, 'What is Metaphysics of Science?', in S. Mumford and M. Tugby (eds), Metaphysics and Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming)
with Matthew Tugby (eds) Metaphysics and Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming)
with Sebastián Briceño: 'Relations all the Way Down?' (in preparation)
with Rani Lill Anjum and Svein Anders Noer Lie: 'Dispositions and Ethics' in Ruth Groff and John Greco (eds), Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism, London: Routledge
with Rani Lill Anjum: 'Mutual Manifestation and Martin's Two Triangles', in J. Jacobs (ed.) Putting Powers to Work: Causal Powers in Contemporary Metaphysics, forthcoming.
'The Power of Power', in Ruth Groff and John Greco (eds), Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism, Routledge, forthcoming.
'Dispositions to Lawlessness', Times Higher Education, 1,942 (April 8th 2010): 36-9.
'No Power in Unger's World', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 80 (2010): 476-83.
‘Dispositions’ [expanded version], in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2009 online version.
‘Powers and Mereology’, in H. Burkhardt, J. Seibt and G. Imaguire, Handbook of Mereology, Philosophia Verlag, forthcoming.
‘Ascribing Dispositions’, in Debating Dispositions: Issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Mind, G. Damschen, R. Schnepf and K. Stüber (eds), Berlin: DeGruyter, 2010: 168-85.
‘Powers and Persistence’, in Unity and Time in Metaphysics, L. Honnefelder, E. Runggaldier and B. Schick (eds), Berlin: Dr Gruyter, 2009; 223-36.
‘Filled in Space’, in Dispositions and Causal Powers, M. Kistler and B. Gnassounou (eds). Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007: 67-80 [English version of ‘L’Espace comblé’].
‘Function, Structure, Capacity: Vermaas on Function Ascription to Technical Artefacts and their Components’, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 37 (2006): 76-80.
The Ungrounded Argument, Synthésè, 149 (2006): 471-89.
‘L’Espace comblé’ in Les dispositions en philosophie et en sciences, M. Kistler and B. Gnassounou (eds), Paris: CNRS editions, 2006: 53-66.
‘Dispositions’, in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006 online version.
Powers: a Study in Metaphysics, by George Molnar, edited with an introduction by Stephen Mumford. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, xiv + 235 pp, ISBN 0-19-925978-X.
‘Realism and The Conditional Analysis of Dispositions: Reply to Malzkorn’, Philosophical Quarterly, 51 (2001): 375-8.
‘Intentionality and the Physical’, Philosophical Quarterly, 49 (1999): 215-25.
Dispositions, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998, xii + 249 pp, ISBN 0-19-823611-5. Paperback edition with a new Preface, 2003, ISBN 0-19-925982-8.
‘Virtus Dormitiva’, The Philosopher, 84 (1996): 12-15.
‘Conditionals, Functional Essences and Martin on Dispositions’, Philosophical Quarterly, 46 (1996): 86-92.
‘Dispositions, Bases, Overdetermination and Identities’, Ratio n.s. 8 (1995): 42-62.
'Dispositions, Supervenience, and Reduction’, Philosophical Quarterly, 44 (1994): 419-38.
‘Dispositions; Cogito, 8 (1994): 141-6.
‘Dispositions, Concepts and Ontologies’, in Language and Related Matters. H. Wallis (ed.), University of Leeds, 1994: 43-5.
with Rani Lill Anjum: Getting Causes from Powers, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
'Contemporary Themes: Aristotelian' in T. Schmaltz (ed.), Efficient Causation: Oxford Philosophical Concepts, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
with Ivette Fuentes: 'Causation ex nihilo in Quantum Fluctuations' (in preparation).
with Rani Lill Anjum: 'Fundamentals of Causality', Information Knowledge Systems Management 10: 75-84.
with Rani Lill Anjum: 'Effects of Context', Information Knowledge Systems management 10: 101-110.
with Rani Lill Anjum: ‘Spoils to the Vector: How to Model Causes if you are a Realist about Powers’ The Monist 94 (2011): 54-80
with Rani Lill Anjum: 'Causal Dispositionalism', in A. Bird (ed.) Properties, Powers and Structures: Issues in the Metaphysics of Realism, Lodnon: Routledge, 2012: 91-107.
with Rani Lill Anjum: ‘A Powerful Theory of Causation’, in A. Marmadoro (ed.) The Metaphysics of Powers, London: Routledge (2010): 143-59.
‘Causal Powers and Capacities’, in Oxford Handbook of Causation, H. Beebee, C. Hitchcock and P. Menzies (eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press (2009): 265-78.
with Rani Lill Anjum: ‘Double Prevention and Powers’, Journal of Critical Realism, 8 (2009): 277-93.
‘Passing Powers Around’, The Monist, 92 (2009): 94-111.
‘A Puzzle About Causation’, Philosophy Now, 7 (1993): 28-30.
Free Will
with Rani Lill Anjum: Free Will and Empowerment (in preparation)
with Rani Lill Anjum: 'The Power to Will' (in preparation)
with Rani Lill Anjum: 'Getting Chances from Powers' (in preparation)
Laws of Nature
'Les lois et leurs exceptions', Etudes de Philosophie, 9/10 (2011): 47-65.
‘Laws and Dispositions’, in Routledge Companion to Metaphysics, R. LePoidevin, P. Simons, A. McGonigal and R. Cameron (eds), London: Routledge, 2009: 471-9.
‘Author’s Reply’, Symposium on Laws in Nature with Alexander Bird, Brian Ellis and Stathis Psillos, Metascience, 15 (2005): 462-9.
‘Laws and Lawlessness’, Synthésè, 144 (2005): 397-413.
Laws in Nature, London: Routledge, 2004, xvi + 230 pp, ISBN 0-415-31128-4.
‘L’état des lois’, in La Structure du Monde: Objets, Propriétés, Etats de Choses. Renouveau de la Métaphysique dans l'école Australienne de Philosophie, J-M. Monnoyer (ed.), n° Hors série de Recherches sur la Philosophie et le Langage, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2004: 235-62. [available only in French. No English version exists: it got lost in a computer crash!]
‘Normative and Natural Laws’, Philosophy, 75 (2000): 265-82.
‘Laws of Nature Outlawed’, Dialectica, 52 (1998): 83-101.
'Potentiality and Modality’ for Handbook of Potentiality, Kristina Engelhard and Michael Quante (eds), in preparation, Dordrecht: Springer.
with Rani Lill Anjum: ‘Dispositional Modality’, in C. F. Gethmann (ed.) Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft: Deutsches Jahrbuch für Philosophie 2, Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 2011: 468-82.
‘Why do we Have Any Idea of Modality at All?', in preparation.
‘Properties, Cogito, 9 (1995): 48-54.
‘Powers, Dispositions, Properties: or A Causal realist Manifesto’, in Revitalizing Causality: Realism about Causality in Philosophy and Social Science, R. Groff (ed.), London: Routledge, 2008: 139-51.
‘Negative Truth and Falsehood’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 107 (2007): 45-71.
‘A New Solution to the Problem of Negative Truth’, in Metaphysics and Truthmakers, J-M. Monnoyer (ed.), Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2007: 313-29 (followed with a reply by Peter Simons).
‘The True and the False’ (Author Meets Critics with David Armstrong and Peter Simons) Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 83 (2005): 263-9.
Kinds and Essences
‘Kinds, Essences, Powers’, in A. Drewery (ed.), Metaphysics in Science, Oxford: Blackwell, 2006: 47-62.[reprint of item below]
‘Kinds, Essences, Powers’, Ratio, n.s. 18 (2005): 420-36.
‘Essences Kinds, and Laws of Nature’: review essay on Brian Ellis’s Scientific Essentialism, Metascience, 11 (2002): 324-8.
‘Ellis and Lierse on Dispositional Essentialism’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 73 (1995): 606-12.
Philosophy of Biology
with Rani Lill Anjum and Thomas Bøhn: ‘It’s Not all in Your Genes: The Dispositional Nature of Causal Mechanisms in Biology’ (in preparation)
Philosophy of Language
with Rani Lill Anjum: 'What We Tend to Mean', Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 46 (2011): 20-33.
'La référence et le nouvel essentialisme', Etudes de Philosophie, 9/10 (2011): 28-46.
Philosophy of Pornography
'A Pornographic Way of Seeing', in H. Maes (ed) Pornographic Art and the Aesthetics of Pornography, London, Palgrave (forthcoming).
Philosophy of Law
with Rani Lill Anjum: 'With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility' (forthcoming).
'Causes for Laws', Jurisprudence 4 (2013): 109-14.
Philosophy of Sport
Watching Sport: Aesthetics, Ethics and Emotions, London: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-37790-4.
'Emotion and Aesthetics: an Inevitable Trade-off?', Journal of the Philosophy of Sport (special issue on aesthetics of sport) (forthcoming).
with Isabel Chorão, João Lima and Teresa Lacerda: 'Technical Tactical Harmony as a Possibility to Redeem the Aesthetic Value of Tennis in the Future: a Study from the Perspective of the Tennis Expert', Revista Portuguesa de Ciências de Desporto, 12 (suppl, 2012): 57-60.
with Ana Cristina Zimmermann: 'Original Dialogue: Play, Freedom and Ethics'.
‘The Beautiful Game: the Aesthetics of Football’ for John Hughson, Joseph Maguire, Kevin Moore and Ramon Spaaij (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Football Studies (in preparation).
'Moderate Partisanship as Oscilation', Sport, Ethics and Philosophy (forthcoming)
'The Aesthetically Pleasing Game', Times Higher Education 2,006 (July 7th 2011): 40-43.
with Teresa Oliveira Lacerda: ‘Genius in Art and Sport’, Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 37: 182-93.
‘Breaking it or Faking it?’, Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 4: 254-68.
‘Truthmakers for Judgement Calls’, European Journal of Sports Science, 6 (2006): 179-86.
‘Allegiance and Identity’, Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 32 (2004): 184-95.
'Flow; the Optimum Performance of an Ability' (forthcoming)
'Emotions and Aesthetics: an Inevitable Trade-Off?', Journal of the Philosophy of Sport (special issue on aesthetics of sport, forthcoming)
'Ways of Watching Sport', Philosophy supplement on philosophy of sport.
'Moderate Partisanship as Oscillation' in Sport, Ethics and Philosophy (forthcoming)
'Sport: Profound or a Complete Waste of Time?', The Philosophers' Magazine 3/2012: 72-76.
'The Aesthetics of Sport', in C. Torres (ed.) A Companion to the Philosophy of Sport (London: Bloomsbury).
Philosophy of Medicine
with Roger Kerry and Matthew Maddocks: ‘Philosophy of Science and Physiotherapy: an Insight into Practice’, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 24 (2009): 397-407.
with Roger Kerry, Anthony Arthur and Aurelien Madouasse: 'Scientific Truth and Physiotherapy Trials: an Empirical Study of Truth Status in Published Controlled Trial Findings' Journal of Evaluation of Clinical Practice (forthcoming).
with Thor Eirik Eriksen, Roger Kerry, Svein Anders Noer Lie and Rani Lill Anjum: 'The Aetiological and Ontological Challenges of MUS' (in preparation)
with Roger Kerry, Thor Eirik Eriksen, Svein Anders Noer Lie and Rani Lill Anjum: 'Causation and Evidence-Based Practice: an Ontological Overview', Journal of Evaluation of Clinical Practice.
Social Philosophy
‘Russell’s Defence of Idleness’, Russell: the Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives, n.s. 28 (2008): 5-19.
Philosophy of Religion
‘Miracles: Metaphysics and Modality’, Religious Studies, 37 (2001): 191-202.
‘Perception’, Cogito, 9 (1995): 268-73.
Max Kistler’s Causation and Laws of Nature, Review, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (forthcoming).
Peter Unger’s All the Power in the World, Journal of Philosophy, 104 (2007): 424-31.
Robert Koons’s Realism Regained, Philosophical Books, 44 (2003): 358-60.
James Ladyman’s Understanding Philosophy of Science, Mind, 112 (2003): 353-5.
The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell Vol 11, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 9 (2001): 284-6.
Hugh Lacey’s Is Science Value Free?, Mind, 110 (2001): 495-7.
Robert Klee’s Introduction to The Philosophy of Science, Mind, 110 (2001): 215-18.
Alexander Bird’s Philosophy of Science, Mind, 109 (2000): 325-7.
John Leslie’s The End of the World, Mind, 109 (2000): 155-8.
Nancy Cartwright’s The Dappled World, Philosophy, 75 (1999): 613-16.
Frank Jackson’s Mind, Matter and Conditionals, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 8 (1999): 259-61.
Daniel Hausman’s Causal Asymmetries, Philosophical Books, 41 (1999): 48-51.
D. M. Armstrong, C. B. Martin and U. T. Place’s Dispositions: a Debate, Philosophical Quarterly, 48 (1998): 548-50.
Joshua Hoffman and Gary S. Rosenkrantz’s Substance: Its nature and Existence, Philosophical Books, 39 (1998): 52-3.
I have written two books on football and I am a regular contributor to Groundtastic magazine. For one season, I was programme editor for Whickham Football Club. I have no bibliography for my football writings but hope to assemble one soon.