About me
I am Professor of Entrepreneurship at King's Business School, King's College London, a Fellow of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), a 21st Century Entrepreneurship Research Fellow, and a visiting fellow at KU Leuven (Faculty of Business and Economics). Between 2020-2022, I was additionally the TransCampus Professor at TU Dresden (Work and Organizational Psychology), between 2018-2022 I was Honorary Professor of Entrepreneurship at Aston Business School (Entrepreneurship) as well as at UCL's Department of Psychology,
I am currently an Associate Editor at the Journal of Management (IF 13.5, ABS4*) and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (IF 10.5, ABS4*). I served as editor-in-chief of Applied Psychology: An international Review from 2015-19. From 2019-2022 I also served as consulting editor at the Journal of International Business Studies (IF 11.38, ABS4*).
I am a member of the editorial review boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Venturing, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (all ABS4*). I have been elected to serve on the board of the GLOBE project and the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP). I head the IAAP's publication committee.
My research has received multiple awards and focuses on the psychology of entrepreneurship investigating (1) entrepreneurial well-being, (2) social entrepreneurship and inclusive business, and (3) the relationships between culture, institutions and entrepreneurship. See my research pages for more information. My work is published in leading journals such as the Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Management Science, Academy of Management Perspectives, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, among others. I have edited special issues at Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Applied Psychology, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, and Personnel Psychology.
My research has received over £3.5 million funding from national and international research councils, charities and governments including the European Commission, the UK government (BEIS/ BIS and Government Inclusive Economy Unit), and the Network of Sustainability, nbs.net (Canada).
Previously, I was at the University of Sheffield’s Institute of Work Psychology, the London School of Economics, and the KU Leuven, Belgium. In 2014 I was appointed Professor and Chair of Entrepreneurship at Aston Business School. I am Professor and Chair of Entrepreneurship at King's College London since 2018. In the past, I worked as a certified social skills trainer and have over 15 years’ experience consulting private, public and third sector organisations. I hold a PhD (with highest honours) in Work and Organisational Psychology from University of Marburg (Germany, 2008), and MSc and BSc in Psychology from the Dresden University of Technology (Germany).
When I am not working, I enjoy walking and hiking in nature. I also love exploring other cultures and countries; and I am a passionate (although not necessarily a skilled) photographer.