Stéphane Zuber
Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 & CNRS, & Paris School of Economics
Working papers
"Population-adjusted egalitarianism", CES Working Paper, No 2018.34
"The welfare implications of climate change-related mortality: Inequality and population ethics", with M. Fleurbaey, A. Méjean and A. Pottier, CES Working Paper, No 2020.26
"Universal social orderings and risk", with M. Fleurbaey, CES Working Paper, No 2021.18
"Evaluating climate policy by the Pareto principle: Efficiency when future identities are unobservable", with G.B. Asheim and K. Kamaga, CESIfo Working Paper, No 9575
"Infinite population utilitarian criteria", with G.B. Asheim and K. Kamaga, CESIfo Working Paper, No 9576
"Go where the wind does not blow: Climate damage heterogeneity and future migrations", FAERE Working Paper 2023.02
"Unequal inequality aversion within and among countries and generations", with M. Fleurbaey, CES Working Paper, No 2023.14
"Utilitarianism is Implied by Social and Individual Dominance", with J. Gustafsson and D. Spears, IZA DP, No 16561
Publications in Journals
Emmerling, J., Kornek, U., Zuber, S. (2024). “Multidimensional welfare indices and the IPCC 6th Assessment Report Scenarios”, Ecological Economics, 220, 108182
Spears, D., Zuber, S. (2023). "Foundations of utilitarianism under risk and variable population", Social Choice and Welfare, 61,101–129
Méjean, A., Pottier, A., Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2023). “Opposite ethical views converge under the threat of catastrophic climate change”, Ecological Economics, 212, 107887
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2022). "A new puzzle in the social evaluation of risk", Economics and Philosophy, 38(4), 450-465
Asheim, G.B., Kamaga K., Zuber, S. (2022). "Maximal sensitivity under Strong Anonymity", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 103, 102768.
Fleurbaey, M., Leroux, M.-L., Pestieau, P., Ponthière, G., Zuber, S. (2022). "Premature deaths, accidental bequests and fairness", Scandinavian Journal of Economics,124, 709-743
Budolfson M., Dennig F., Errickson F., Feindt S., Ferranna M., Fleurbaey M., Klenert D., Kornek U., Kuruc K., M\'{e}jean A., Peng W., Scovronick N., Spears D., Wagner F. (2021). "Climate action with revenue recycling has benefits for poverty, inequality and well-being", Nature Climate Change, 11, 1111-1116
Zuber S., Venkatesh N., Tännsjö T., Tarsney C., Stefansson H., Steele K., Spears D., Sebo J., Pivato M., Ord T., Ng Y.-K., Masny M., MacAskill W., Lawson N., Kuruc K., Hutchinson M., Gustafsson J.E., Greaves H., Forsberg L., Fleurbaey M., Coffey D., Cato S., Castro C., Campbell T., Budolfson M., Broome J., Berger A., Beckstead N., Asheim G. (2021) "What Should We Agree on about the Repugnant Conclusion?", Utilitas, 33, 379-383
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2021). "Fair utilitarianism", American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 13, 370-401
Pottier, A., Méjean, A., Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2021). "Climate change and population: an assessment of mortality due to health impacts", Ecological Economics, 183, 106967
Méjean, A., Pottier, A., Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2020). "Intergenerational equity under catastrophic climate change", Climatic Change, 163, 873-890
Zuber, S. (2019). "Parfit et les économistes : une contribution au débat sur la taille optimale de la population", Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 2/2019, 21-35
Fleurbaey, M., Ferranna, M., Budolfson, M., Dennig, F., Mintz-Woo, K., Socolow, R., Spears, D., Zuber, S. (2019). "The social cost of carbon: Valuing inequality, risk and population for climate policy", The Monist, 102, 84-109
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2017). "Fair management of social risk", Journal of Economic Theory, 169, 666-706
Zuber, S. (2017). "Ethique de la population : l'apport des critères de bien-être dépendant du rang", Revue Economique, 68, 73-96.
Asheim, G.B., Zuber, S. (2016). "Evaluating intergenerational risks", Journal of Mathematical Economics, , 65, 104-117.
Zuber, S. (2016). "Harsanyi's theorem without the sure-thing principle: On the consistent aggregation of Monotonic Bernoullian and Archimedean preferences", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 63, 78-83.
Bommier, A., Lanz, B., Zuber, S. (2015). "Models-as-usual for unusual risks? On the value of catastrophic climate change", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 71, 1-22.
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2015). "Discounting, risk and inequality: A general approach", Journal of Public Economics, 128, 34-49.
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2015). "Discounting beyond utilitarianism", Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 9 (2015-12): 1—52.
Fleurbaey, M., Gajdos, T., Zuber, S. (2015). "Social rationality, separability and equity under uncertainty", Mathematical Social Sciences, 73, 13-22.
Asheim, G.B., Zuber, S. (2014). "Escaping the repugnant conclusion: rank-discounted utilitarianism with variable population", Theoretical Economics, 9, 629-650.
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2013). "Inequality aversion and separability in social risk evaluation", Economic Theory, 54, 675-692.
Asheim, G.B., Zuber, S. (2013). "A complete and strongly anonymous leximin relation on infinite streams", Social Choice and Welfare, 41, 819-834.
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2013). "Climate Policies deserve a negative discount rate", Chicago Journal of International Law, 13(2), 565-595.
Zuber, S., Asheim, G.B. (2012). "Justifying social discounting: the rank-discounted utilitarian approach", Journal of Economic Theory, 147(4), 1572-1601.
Bommier, A., Zuber, S. (2012). "The Pareto principle of optimal inequality", International Economic Review, 53(2), 593-608.
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2012). "Pour des taux d'escompte équitables", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, HS1, 97-115.
Bréchet, T., Thénié, J., Zeimes, T., Zuber, S. (2012)."The benefits of cooperation under uncertainty: the case of climate change", Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 17, 149-162.
Zuber, S. (2011). "The aggregation of preferences: can we ignore the past?", Theory and Decision, 70, 367-384.
Zuber, S. (2011). "Can social preferences be both stationary and paretian?", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 101/102, 347-360.
Bommier, A., Lee, R.D., Miller, T., Zuber, S. (2010). "Who wins and who loses? Public transfer accounts for US generations born 1850 to 2090", Population and Development Review, 36, 1-26.
Bommier, A., Zuber, S. (2008). "Can preferences preferences for catastrophe avoidance reconcile social discounting with intergenerational equity", Social Choice and Welfare, 31, 415-434.
Zuber, S., Bommier, A., Bourdieu, J., Suwa, A. (2007). "Le développement des transferts publics d'éducation et d'assurance vieillesse en France : 1850-2000", Economie et Prevision, no 180-81, 1-17.
Chapters in Books
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2022). "Discounting and intergenerational ethics" in S. Gardiner (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Asheim, G.B., Zuber, S. (2022). "Rank-discounting as a resolution to a dilemma in population ethics" in G. Arrhenius, K. Bykvist, T. Campbell, E. Finneron-Burns (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Population ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Fleurbaey, M., Zuber, S. (2020). "To discount or not to discount?" in D. Schroeder, N. Eyal, S. Hurst, D. Wikler (Eds.) Measuring the Global Burden of Disease: Philosophical Dimensions, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Zuber S. (2016). "Measuring intergenerational fairness" in I. Gonzàles-Ricoy, A. Gosseries (Eds.) Institutions for Future Generations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zuber, S. (2012). « Débat autour du taux d'escompte social et du prix du carbone » in P.-A. Chardel, C. Gossart, B. Reber (Eds.) Conflits des interprétations dans la société de l’information. Éthique et politique de l’environnement. Paris : Hermes Sciences International.
Work in progress
“Multi-species population ethics” (with D. Spears and M. Budolfson)
“Accounting for ex ante fairness in ex post welfare assessment” (with P. Bardier and M. Fleurbaey)
“Different taxes or redistribution : How to shape a just global climate policy ?” (with M. Young Brun, F. Dennig, F. Errickson, S. Feindt and A. Méjean)
“Long-run discounting is ethically robust” (with R. Turquier)
Other publications
Budolfson M., Dennig F., Errickson F., Feindt S., Ferranna M., Fleurbaey M., Klenert D., Kornek U., Kuruc K., Méjean A., Peng W., Scovronick N., Spears D., Wagner F. (2021). "Protecting the poor with a carbon tax and equal per capita dividend", Nature Climate Change, 11, 11025-11026
Zuber, S. (2013). Book review of Arguing about Justice, edited by A. Gosseries and Y. Vanderborght (Presses Universitaires de Louvain 2011), Revue de Philosophie Economique, 14, 193-200.
Zuber, S. (2013). "La concentration de la dépense publique d'éducation en France : 1900-2000", Education et formations, 70.
HDR thesis
"Equité, Risque et Temps : Rendre Justice au Futur", Université Paris 1, March 2017.
PhD thesis
"Topics in intertemporal social choice", Toulouse School of Economics, Université Toulouse 1, November 2007.