
Working papers

Joint with Diego Battiston, Andrei Potlogea, and Sevi Rodriguez Mora

CEPR Discussion Paper 18249

Joint with Guido Schwerdt and Simon Wiederhold

CEP Discussion Paper 1896

Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Human Resources


Joint with Max Marczinek and Ferdinand Rauch     

CEPR Discussion Paper 16957

Revise and Resubmit, Journal of International Economics

Joint with Melanie Arntz, Sebastian Findeisen, and Oliver Schlenker

CEPR Discussion Paper 18913

Media: LSE Business Review, Die Welt, SWR, MDR  

Work in Progress

Joint with Ran Abramitzky, Elibeth Cirilo, Yiming He, Guy Michaels, and Omry Yoresh

Joint with Yan Hu


            Joint with Ferdinand Rauch          

    Oxford Economic Papers, January 2023, 75 (1), 142-162

            CEPR Discussion Paper 13820

            Media: LSE USAPP Blog, Ökonomenstimme

            Joint with Luna Bellani and Anselm Hager

            Journal of Economic History, March 2022, 82 (1), 250-283

            IZA Discussion Paper 13611

            Media: Centrepiece

            Joint with Jan Bakker, Jörn-Steffen Pischke, and Ferdinand Rauch

            Review of Economics and Statistics, October 2021, 103 (4): 652-665

            Media: VoxEU,, CentrePiece

            Joint with Andrei Potlogea

            Economica, January 2021, 88 (349): 167-188 

            Media:LSE USAPP Blog, CentrePiece, LSE Business Review  

            Economics of Education Review, December 2019, 73: Article 101925           

            Media: LSE Business Review  

            Journal of Economic History, March 2018, 78(1): 1-39. 

            If you're interested in the city-level public employment data that I collected for this paper, please click here

            Details on the variable definitions and sources can be found in the Paper's Online Appendix