

In English 

Discrimination in the Labor Market, with Marie-Anne Valfort, forthcoming at The MIT press.

Handbook of Labour Markets in Transition, co-edited with Stefano Scarpetta, forthcoming at Edward Elgar.

Labor Economics, The MIT press, with Pierre Cahuc and André Zylberberg, September 2014, 1072 pp.

In French

Les discriminations au travail: Femmes, ethnicité, religion, âge, apparence, LGBT, with Marie-Anne Valfort, Presses de Sciences Po, October 2018. Winner of the 2020 Prize of the Best Book on the World of Labour (“Experts” category) awarded by Le Toit Citoyen.

La machine à trier: Comment la France divise sa jeunesse, with Pierre Cahuc, Olivier Galland and André Zylberberg, Editions Eyrolles, Second edition, March 2017

Des compétences pour les jeunes défavorisés, Presses de Sciences Po, September 2016.

Améliorer l'assurance chômage, with Pierre Cahuc, Presses de Sciences Po, October 2014.

Edited Volumes 

Safety Nets and Benefit Dependence, Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 39, edited with Herwig Immervoll , Stephen P. Jenkins, Sebastian Königs, and Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Emerald, 2014.