What is STEM SOS?

What is STEM Education?

Stem education is a type of education that educates students about science, technology, engineering, and math topics.

An example of a STEM class is Principles of Engineering. To learn farther about this, go to the Live Science website.

Why STEM education important?

STEM education is vital as STEM surrounds and is a large portion of our daily lives. It is present in our alarm clocks that wake us up in the morning, to the transportation we use to reach our destinations, and to the engineering that went behind creating the mattresses we sleep in. We may not realize it immediately, but everything around us can be traced back to science, technology, engineering, and/ or math. STEM education creates more knowledgeable people qualified in living life wisely.

How can STEM education shape the future?

Just as STEM shapes our daily lives, STEM education also has a large potential of positively influencing the future. It promotes creativity, leadership, and problem solving skills, thus encouraging a variety of innovations to be made in the world of tomorrow. Not only this, STEM educations inspires many students to seek STEM related careers, thus creating a more STEM-based future, which would allow humanity to develop farther and reach places, whether literal or figurative, that we never even thought could be possible. To support the encouragement of STEM education become a member of STEM Education Coalition.

Want to learn more about STEM education? Go to the US Department of education website for more information on it.

Other links mentioned above include STEM Education Coalition and Live Science website.


Project Based Learning (PBL) is a constructivist instructional approach where students are engaged in meaningful inquiry of personal interest to them and where collaboration and personalized learning are emphasized. Research confirms that PBL is an effective and enjoyable way to learn and develop deeper learning competencies required for success in college, career and civic life. -Buck Institute of Education

STEMSOS is a rigorous, interdisciplinary, standards-focused, and engaging STEM teaching approach that is teacher-facilitated, student-centered and directed through sets of project- and inquiry-based (P&IBL) projects. STEMSOS PBL approach is to maintain the focus on standards-based teaching while enriching and extending the learning of students through PBL projects. The goal is to promote not only collaborative skills and student ownership of learning but also to promote student success in state and national standards.

STEMSOS PBL Showcase is designed to promote and share exemplary student work in PBL projects that can serve as valuable learning and teaching tools for students, parents, teachers, and other educators.

