Editorial Board

Editorial Board:

Lead guest editor : Shafeeque A. Ansari (Professor, CIRBSc, Jamia Millia Islamia - a Central University, New Delhi, India)

Honorary editor*  : Taimur Athar (Senior Scientist, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India)

Executive editor  : Isak R. Shaikh (Researcher of Poona College; Founder of RISER India & Promoter of C-HERE-SD, Maharashtra, India)

Co-guest editor: Pudukulathan K. Zubaidha (Professor, Department of Chemistry, SRTM University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India)

Co-guest editor: Pravin G. Ingole (Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejon, Republic of Korea / South Korea)

Co-guest editor: Parveen R. Shaikh (Researcher and Assistant Professor Contract-basis India)