
Kerr, S., Lippert, S., Lou, E., 2018. Transfers, self-enforcing agreements and climate cooperation. Coalition Theory Network: From Theory to Application, 21.2018.

Bloch, F., Fabrizi, S., Lippert, S., 2016. Terror incognita: How much should you learn before entering a market. University of Auckland Business Review, Autumn 2016.

Bloch, F., Fabrizi, S., Lippert, S., 2014. Learning and collusion in new markets with uncertain entry costs. Economics for everyone 5 papers...in 5 minutes! Paris School of Economics.

Fabrizi, S., Lippert, S., Norback, P.J., Persson, L., 2014. Modelling venture capital and the role of patents, Research in Focus, Celebrations of the 20-years of the Marsden Fund.

Fabrizi, S., Lippert, S., Norback, P.J., Persson, L., 2014. Venture capitalists and patenting. EcoNZ@Otago 32.