Media Coverage


IZA Newsroom: Promoting labor market mobility among job seekers can backfire

Binnenlands Bestuur: Stimuleren arbeidsmarktmobiliteit kan averechts werken

The Guardian: Air pollution causes chess players to make more mistakes, study finds

BBC Newsroom: Interview with my co-author Juan Palacios on our "air pollution and decision-making" study

Science: Inhaling soot is a bad chess move

MIT News: Chess players face a tough foe: air pollution

RTLnieuws: Schakers maken meer fouten als luchtvervuiling hoog is

The Conversation: Chess players perform worse when air quality is poor – and other high-skilled workers could be affected too

SBE Talking Business and Economics

Let’s talk clean air- Camfil Podcast: Do chess players perform worse when air quality is lower?


BNR Radio: Onze planeet | Presteren we slechter bij meer luchtvervuiling?


FAZ: Schach ist am Zug

Telegraph (UK): Chess study finds home workers risk making a wrong move

The Sydney Morning Herald: What WFH does to the brain


Forbes: Are Mentally Demanding Tasks More Difficult To Handle At Home?

Forbes: For Productivity And Career Growth The Office Is Best: Here’s Why According To Science

de Volkskrant: Thuiswerk blijkt minder geschikt voor mentaal zware taken

Deutschlandfunk: Mehr Fehler beim Schach durch Feinstaub (MP3)

SWR 2 Radiointerview: Feinstaub stört beim Denken

Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: Warum Feinstaub das Denken behindert – sogar im Schach

Brookings: Poor air quality affects cognitive performance

de Standaard: Fijn stof maakt ons dommer

My co-author Juan Palacios interviewed during the 2020 AEA meeting on our chess paper: How does indoor air quality affect cognitive performance?

Next City: What If Pay-to-Relocate Went National?

IZA World of Labor: Cognitive performance in the home office—What professional chess can tell us

Weekendadvisen (in Danish)

CCR Magazine, Psychreg, WorkplaceInsight: New research reveals mentally demanding tasks are more difficult to handle at home


Times London: Clean air for all: Chess players make more mistakes when air is polluted

Basler Zeitung: Schlechte Luft schadet den Jobs der Zukunft

IZA Newsroom: Indoor air pollution hampers cognitive performance

Fairwarning: Dirty Air and the Human Braim: Does Pollution Poison the Mind?


IZA Newsroom: State-funded mobility assistance helps the unemployed

MDR Info Radio: Radio interview about relocation of job seekers to find new employment (not available online)


Süddeutsche Zeitung: Relocation of job seekers to find new employment

Wirtschaftswoche, Gründer: Evaluation of Business Coaching